17 - Consequences Of Love

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We were once again in Aemond's room participating in unholy activities. We were making out on his bed. He laid on all the pillows and straddled him, rubbing our clothed bodies as hard as we could. Our secret make outs were usual and now a part of our days. I always sneaked into his room through Maegor's tunnels, that my father, Daemon once told me about. These days, a month before our wedding we have explored more of our bodies, gripping and caressing each other's skin, exposing ouselves came naturally to us.

Everything was getting more and more heated and finally Aemond gripped my dress and started peeling it off my body, while I did the same to his tunic, unbuttoning it and shoving it to the floor. He spun us around and started kissing my neck, down and down, till he reached my chest. Through all this, noises of pleasure were coming out of my mouth. Loudly.

And then all hell broke loose.

The Green Queen

The heavy, wooden door burst open and a young, distraught maid ran to my room. She clearly was one of them, who weren't allowed to talk to nobles, for she awkwardly stumbled on her every step and fell to her knees before me with wide eyes. "Your Grace." She choked out. Her face growing ridiculously red. "What is it, my child." I faced her fully and leaned towards her face. My father who was sitting in a chair beside me, immediately seemed intrigued by this stirring of our usually calm and peaceful afternoon tea drinking. My father insisted us drinking tea every afternoon, but got bored after a few days, however the tradition stayed.

The maid looked at me and then at my father, her gaze drifting from one's eyes to the other's. "It's Prince Aemond." she finally whispered. "What has happened?" my father's numb voice rang through the cold room. "Sounds are coming from his room. Sounds of pleasure." the blonde maid choked out. Just like her mother. That bastard whore, who has is starting to poison my son, turning him into a sinner like her.

I didn't need to hear another word, and so did my father. We immediately raised from the table and rushed to my son's bedroom. My son, Aemond, the one I can turn to, my strong and brave knight. The loyal and dutiful son every mother wishes for. But now, he's leaning towards Jaerionna and she is going to ruin him, unless he will be strong enough and will sway back to me, back to the Seven and not to the whims of that whore.

I stooped in front of the door so familiar to me, when Aemond was younger I would come to his room late at night and stay in the corner, in the shadows watching him sleep like a ghost and if he would wake up, he would always offered me to join him and I would cradle him in my lean hands and we'd sleep together till the morning rose and then we'd go to the sept, for morning prayers. But now, in the mornings he goes to have breakfast with her and then go to the gardens to read, or lay on one another. He has replaced me and my once dutiful son has turned into her servant, always at her side, even if she maimed him.

Father pushed the redwood doors open and the sounds we heard in the hallway became louder. My once dutiful son, was laying on his betrothed kissing her neck, whilst she exposed her to himself and allowed her voice to carry free. And then she opened her eyes, her wide brown eyes, just like Harwin Strong's, just like mine.


I opened my eyes and saw her standing in the doorway. The Queen, in all of her glory, with an emerald gown hugging her lean body. If she weren't Aemond's mother and if I wouldn't have met her, I would've thought she was a lovely forest ghost, who came to haunt me for my sins. And I suppose she was a ghost who's purpose was to haunt and torture me, but she was my future husband's mother. And she was in my room, whilst her son was sucking on my neck.

I started pushing Aemond off me, but he only whined at my sudden change. Once I finally got him off of me and started covering myself, he noticed his mother and grandfather. He pulled his shirt on and slipped out of bed. "I can't believe you did this. Tell me you didn't do what I think you did." Alicent choked on her words. I grabbed Aemond's hand and he took a couple of steps so he was in front of me, covering me, hiding me.

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