Players‐ chess players

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Later on in life Harry would grow to wonder how he got through his exams without worring about the Stone and if Dumbledore was going to force him to go back to the Muggles horrid home. But the days went on and that giant three headed dog behind the door, that was their first mission.

It was hot out way to hot for the pale Ravenclaws and Slytherins who spent most of their time inside reading. But the plan was simple and Harry was going to put it in motion tonight, originally he was going to go by himself and use his Invisibility Cloak but Luna and Draco caught him on the way out and now the three of them were carefully making their way through the halls.

"Everyone down the trapdoor before he wakes up." Draco yelled‐whispered. They all fell landing in some sort of plant.

"Devils Snare." Said Luna. "Don't panic it's going to be fine  control your emotions or it will attack."

Harry and Draco having the smarts to listen to their quite friend calmed down and the three of them fell through that too, where they soon found a hall.

"We have to find the key to the door." Harty said looking up at the flying keys. "It's going to be old and gold like the brackets and the knob."

"I got this, I've been on a broom my whole life." Said Draco as soon as he picked up the old broom the keys started chasing him but the Trio got past that too.

A chess set. A huge chess set sat in front of them. "Oh marvelous!" Luna said hopping up and down.

"We have to play to get across." Harry said pulling his hair up into a bun.

There the trio's luck ran out Luna pulled a Checkmate and gave herself up, her piece was destroyed and she fell not getting back up.

Draco and Harry checked on her seeing that she was knocked out Draco covered her up with his silken green robe. The two moved on seeing a troll dead. "At least we don't have to fight it." Draco pointed out as he opened the paper. "Uncle Sev you smartass, he gave us a puzzle we're gonna want to drink this one."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Yeah he picked something that was logical rather then magical that's so like him, it's this potion."

"There's only enough for one of us." Harry pointed out.

"Yeah I love you Harry but you're gonna have to take this one." Draco laughed nervously "Seriously I don't think I can do it."

"It's okay I'll get the Stone you go back to Luna." Harry told him.

"Good luck, prat." Draco said hugging Harry.

"Thanks jerkwad." Harry said letting go.

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