I hate you !

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Dani POV

*4 months later*

Oh boy I'm already on my 9th month which means baby is about to be born & my due date is in 5 weeks

I must admit I am nervous & pretty flipped out about the situation but at the same time I am excited & very happy

"Hey I wanna go out for a walk" I said & Mike & Tony agreed to come along with me

We went to a nearby park & began walking the track "are you excited?" Mike asked referring to me having the kid "I don't even know what I'm feeling, it's like a mixture of nervousness & happiness y'know?" I said & they nodded

"Completely understandable" Tony said as we continued walking

"Well hello" a dark voice said, I quickly turned around to see...

"M-max" I stuttered (A/N; in case you have forgotten who Max is he's the evil stepdad)

"What are you doing here" Tony spat at him "this is a park, not your home I can be here if I want" Max sneered

"Yea well please leave us alone" I spoke up & he chuckled "no can do princess, I have a mission" Max said taking something out from his back pocket

It was a gun

"W-what are you gonna do?" I stuttered gulping "remember that little kid you dated, Oliver?" Max asked cleaning his gun with a rag

I slowly nodded "well he doesn't want you to have that baby" Max said & I grew furious "well he doesn't own me so too bad" I said crossing my arms over my chest

"That's what I'm here for, this is my mission" Max said before he pointed the gun to my stomach & pulled the trigger

I screamed in pain dropping to my knees "dani!" I heard Mike yell while Tony tackled Max to the ground

Suddenly everything started spinning & I grew dizzy "M-Mike?" I breathed "don't worry love, we're getting you to the hospital" Mike whispered picking my small body up onto his arms

I didn't even make it to the car & I already passed out

"I hope she won't take this too bad"

"Tony don't be stupid, she lost the only person that made her happy"

"I just don't wanna see her so broken Mike, she's been through so damn much she doesn't deserve any of this"

"I know she doesn't, but I guess things happen for a reason"

I groaned fluttering my eyes open "who lost who?" I asked remembering Tony's & Mike's conversation

Mike & Tony gave each other a hesitant look before they both looked at me "y-you lost the baby kiddo" Mike said as tears brimmed my eyes "t-thats not true, please please please tell me that's not true" I begged as the tears came pouring out like a waterfall

"I wish it wasn't true, but it is" Mike said as his eyes got teary too. I sobbed pulling on my hair rocking slowly back & forth "why? Why him? WHY THE HELL DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM!?" I screamed as I felt my face get red

"Dani calm down" Mike said cupping my face in his hands "calm down!?" I shrieked at him slapping his hands away "how the hell do you want me to calm the fuck down huh!? I have lost every fucking person I love! I have lost everyone!" I screamed at him

"No, that's not true, you have me, you have Tony, you have Jaime, & you have Vic" Mike whispered gently

I broke down crying as Mike pulled me to his chest, "it's not fucking fair" I cried "I know baby girl, but life isn't fair" Mike said kissing my forehead

We stayed like that for awhile until the door opened revealing Vic & Jaime with worried faces "hey what happened?" Vic breathed coming to my side

"S-she lost the baby" Tony whispered & Vic gasped. "That bastard! Ima kill him!" Jaime screamed punching the wall

"Jaime calm down" Vic said laying a hand on Jaime's shoulder but Jaime shrugged it off "how do you want me to calm down? That bastard killed the only thing that made us happy! He has destroyed our lives ever since the girls have gotten here" Jaime growled

"Yea but y'know what? We are going to get over this just don't let this get to you, okay? We gotta show him & everyone else that we are strong enough to face anything" Vic lectured & we all nodded

There was a knock on the door & then the doctor came inside "hello I'm doctor Sandra, & I have been studying your daughters health & have discovered that she will be able to leave the hospital today" the doctor smiled & Vic walked out to sign the papers

The doctor came back puzzled "wait a second, Mr.Fuentes you say you're her adoptive father right?" The doctor asked & Vic slowly nodded

"B-but it says here that you are her real father" the doctor breathed handing Vic her clipboard

I stood there stunned "oh my god, it's true" Vic gulped & he looked at me. I looked at him as we stared into each other's eyes before i frowned

"H-how?" I stuttered before the nurse took back her clipboard "I-i think you'd like to have this conversation at home" she whispered & the guys nodded before we walked out into the car

I kept my head down low not even wanting to look at them. Was I mad? Yea. Was I outraged? Yep. But I just never even expected this to happen

We arrived at the house & I got out walking inside & marched straight up into my room "Dani! Please wait let me explain!" I heard Vic call out but I was already in my room

I took a deep breath before calming myself down "okay Daniela, you can do this" I breathed before I walked out

I sat down on the couch that the guys weren't sitting on "explain" I said before Vic sighed

"Okay so one night me & the guys went out to drink & I got extremely drunk & I stumbled upon your mom, Monica. And then we got in bed & since I was on tour I left that very morning leaving my phone number & everything, she never called me to tell me I had a kid she never texted me or even e-mailed me. Nothing, & ever since I saw you in the meet & greet I knew you had to be mine, we look exactly alike! You have some things of your mother but mostly me" Vic explained

I sighed nodding "we do look alike" I giggled & the guys nodded in agreement "but trust me, if I knew about you I would've stayed & took care of you like I'm doing right now" Vic said getting on his knees holding my hands in his

"I guess the important thing is that we're together now" I said smiling "I'm so grateful you came into my life" Vic said kissing my cheek

I smiled nodding "I'm grateful you're in my life too dad" I said before he hugged me tightly

I cried on his shoulder leaving a wet spot on his shirt & I could feel him crying on my shoulder too

"This is so beautiful" Jaime said ruining the moment "Jaime!" I shouted at him laughing "what!?" Jaime exclaimed chuckling "you ruined the moment!" I said grabbing a pillow throwing it to him

Everyone laughed & I shook my head "we have some news for you" Mike said & I nodded letting him proceed

"Tour is coming up" Mike said & I gulped "its for 5 months" Mike said smiling & I gasped "w-which means I can come!?" I asked happily. The guys all looked at each other before they looked at me "yes!" They screamed & I screamed jumping up & down having a fangirl moment

"I'm going on tour!" I exclaimed & the guys all chuckled "you better start packing now, we leave tomorrow morning" Mike said & I gasped

I quickly ran upstairs & pulled out my suitcase beginning to pack everything. I texted some of my friends & told them that I was going on tour & like the good friends they were, they supported me

I finished packing & left my bags in the corner before I fell onto my bed. I was so exhausted from packing everything, I pulled the blanket over my body before I fell fast asleep

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