Tough times

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Dani POV
*in school*

"Hey, there's this parade celebrating gay marriage & we're all going, wanna come?" Blade asked me. I shrugged, "why not I'll just tell Vic" I said. I pulled out my phone & texted Vic, "he said it was perfectly fine he just wants me home by 7:30" I said. Everyone nodded & we continued talking about the parade

We were currently in 2nd period & the entire class left for lunch, we however stayed in & ate junk food until the class came back. The school day went by really fast & we were soon at the parade having a blast

*after parade*

"Hey it's early wanna come over to my house?" Blade suggested. We all nodded & walked to his house, his parents were on a business trip so it was just the entire gang with Blade's cat, Gigi. We all stayed in the living room & hung out until I got a call from Vic,

V- where are you!?

D- well hello to you too

V- where are you!? It's already 8!

D- alright I'll be home soon just chill

V- chill!? Chill!? How the fuck do you want me to chill when I don't even know where the hell you are!

D- dude calm down I'll be there in a few

V- what? No! Tell me the address I'm about to pick you up

D- you're overreacting


D- 244 Union street northwest

V- you said you-never mind I don't have time to argue with you I'll be there soon

And with that he hung up. I rolled my eyes & we continued talking until I got another call from Vic,

V- I'm parked outside of the house come out

D- fine, hold on

I walked outside but I didn't see Vic's car,

D- dude you got the wrong house

V- what!? How!? This is 244 Union street northwest!

D- no it's not, I don't see your car

V- ugh! Look I don't know how you're gonna do it but you're gonna get home

D- yea well how the hell do you want me to do that

V- I don't know & I don't care, I want you home now!

I hung up feeling anger course through my body. "I gotta go home guys" I said sighing. "Want us to come with you?" Alexis asked, I shook my head knowing that Vic won't be in the mood for guests once I got home. "Cmon at least let me walk you home" Katie said, I sighed & nodded

"Alright but please don't come inside, Vic's really pissed off" I said as we both stood up. "Don't worry I gotta visit uncle Kel anyway" Katie said. I hugged everyone goodbye before Katie & I were out the door. Unfortunately the fans found us so we had to put our hoods up, the fans wouldn't leave us alone but we kept walking ignoring them

Lucky for us we called a taxi & got inside leaving the fans behind. The taxi driver parked outside the gates to Vic's house, I hugged Katie goodbye & walked inside closing the gates. I took a deep breath & walked inside

"I'm home!" I shouted. Vic walked in the living room with his arms crossed over his chest, "how did you get here" Vic asked. "I thought you didn't care" I scoffed. Vic stood there silent for a couple seconds, "you said you were going to a parade" Vic said, "yea but it was early when it ended so I went to a friends house" I explained. Vic rolled his eyes, "are you fucking stupid or what!?" Vic yelled at me

Okay, I will admit that hurt but I didn't show any sign of pain. "Well it's better than being dramatic" I sassed crossing my arms over my chest. "You never told me you were going to a friends house, I don't even know those people! They could be killers for all I know!" Vic yelled at me. "Well you may not know them but I do! They aren't capable of doing that Vic, they're all around my age!" I argued back

"I went all over downtown looking for you! Something bad could've happened to you god dammit!" Vic yelled. "Yea well nothing bad did happen so you can shut the fuck up!" I yelled. "You are a dumbass you barely know those people something bad could've happened you fucking retard!" Vic argued back. "Okay but nothing bad happened Vic just shut the hell up already you are overreacting!" I yelled

"I'm overreacting!? How the hell am I overreacting!?" Vic exclaimed. "Don't act stupid you know exactly how you're overreacting!" I yelled. Vic balled his fists up & that's when I realized how close we were to each other. So many flashbacks of Max balling up his fists came back to me, sure it's been a long time since that has happened but the pain & memory still remains. I had a feeling that Vic was about to hit me so I took slow steps backwards but he took threatening steps towards me until my body was pressed up against the wall

I noticed he still had his hands balled up, & with every ounce of courage I had in me I looked him dead in the eye, "don't hold back Vic, go ahead. Hit me! I fucking dare you!" I yelled. His face softened & he backed away from me. I slid down the wall sitting on the floor with my knees pressed up against my chest, Vic knelt down on both of his knees & I saw his hand come close to my face

I squeezed my eyes shut & expected for the slap but instead I felt his hands cup my face. I opened both eyes to meet Vic's watery eyes, "I never want you to say or even think that I would dare hurt you baby girl, you're all I have left & I love you way too much to want to do something like that to you, no matter how pissed off I get" Vic said

I didn't know what to do, or say. I just sat there looking into Vic's brown eyes as he stared back into mine, I broke the eye contact & stood up "I'm going up to my room" I said before he could say anything else I ran up the stairs & locked myself in my room

I didn't know what I was feeling, I didn't know if I wanted to cry or scream, I didn't know anything right now. I laid down on my bed & listened to music for the rest of the evening, I didn't come out. Not once. I wasn't hungry or anything so I stayed up in my room listening to music until it was midnight

I took out my earbuds & saw that it was 12:15 AM, good thing I didn't have school tomorrow. I couldn't sleep either, I just tossed & turned....

Fuck my life

A/N; hey guys! Dani & Vic's first argument, whoa! I want you guys to comment who you think is guilty in this & also don't forget to vote & rate! Bye guys!

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