A new beginning

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"You little bitch! I fucking hate you! Your just a burden to the both of us! It's all your fault we got divorced!" My stepdad yelled at me as I was cornered in my room crying "I'm sorry!" I yelled at him with more tears running down my cheeks. I looked up at him and saw his fist coming down to me. There goes the punch, pretty soon I was getting my everyday beat. I cried in pain and agony begging him to stop and getting more beats as a response.

I kept on crying until I saw him pull out a...


"D-dad what're you gonna do?" I ask shaking mad "I'm gonna get the woman of my dreams, and your not gonna get in the way this damn time" I heard him laugh evilly before the trigger was pulled and everything was black

"Katey! Katey!" I heard someone say my name "wake up!" There goes another voice. Am I dreaming? "We gotta go!" I heard another voice yell. I was the suddenly being moved, or shaken. "Wake the fuck up!" I heard and before I knew it I was on the floor. I blinked my eyes a couple of times before I saw dani standing in front of me. "Finally your up" dani groaned. "It was a dream" I said relieved "yea uh-huh can you hurry up and get dressed cuz Melissa texted me and she said she'd be here in 15 minutes" dani explained helping me up to feet. "What time is it?" I groaned rubbing my eyes. "It's 11:15" dani responded putting her phone back "okay, help me pick out a outfit" I say hitting her lightly with a pillow "I will once I get payback" she said before my face made contact with a pillow. I laugh slightly as we walked towards my closet.

"It gets hot in San Diego so I suggest you wear something summer appropriate" dani said pulling out a tank top with the words love writing across it. "And some shorts" dani said pulling out pink shorts to go with the shirt "and you can pick out your bra and underwear" she said trying to bite back a laugh. I roll my eyes while picking them out and going Into the bathroom.

I get dressed and pull my wavy hair into a ponytail. I walk out and saw dani running her hands through her her hair and letting it down. "Okay so Melissa should be here in like 5 minutes so what do you wanna do?" Dani asked taking a seat on her bed. I grabbed the remote to the TV and started to look for something good to watch while we waited. I finally sighed deciding that there's nothing good on. "How many more minutes?" I ask whining a bit "like 3, I can't believe that your that impatient" dani says giggling a bit. I'm not gonna disagree with her cuz it's true. I'm a very impatient girl and I have habits like repeatedly checking the time or pacing. I just do a bunch of things when I'm impatient. I heard my phone ring and went to pick it up "hello?" I ask into the phone "hey you and dani need to meet me out in the entrance I'm here" it was obvious that Melissa was the one who was calling.

"Okay we'll be right out" I say before saying my goodbye and hanging up "who was that?" Dani asks "it was Melissa she's here and she wants us to meet her in the entrance" I say standing up while grabbing my phone deciding to leave my iPad here. We both head out the door and walk out to see Melissa standing there. "Hey" she says walking over to us "hey" I reply accepting her hug "did you guys get sleep last night?" Melissa asks "of course we did" dani says and we all chuckle. "Okay so let's get to the mall" Melissa says leading us outside.

~in the parking lot of mall~

"Alright let's go and buy some stuff" Melissa says taking her seatbelt off as we do the same. "What store are we going to?" I ask walking next to Melissa "whichever one you guys want cuz your gonna be the ones who get to pick out your own welcoming gift" Melissa said. I honestly felt bad since she bought me things yesterday and now she's gonna do the same today. So I decide that I'm gonna get something cheap.

As we enter the mall the cold air hits us and we walk past some restaurants and Into a shop called rue 21, it was filled with clothes of the year and perfumes were on shelves with other beauty materials. Melissa led us to the back of the store where shoes and purses were. I saw a stand with many necklaces and bracelets but there was a certain one that caught my eye. It was a bracelet that had a heart that was meant to be put on the front and it had to be clipped around Your wrist. "Do you like it?" A voice startled me out of my trance I quickly turned around and saw Melissa behind me with her hands behind her back "yea it's really pretty" I say taking it off it's display place "you can buy it if you want" Melissa said "or you can buy two or however many you want" Melissa said browsing at some other bracelets "oh no Melissa I'm just gonna get this one, you just bought me a whole bunch of things yesterday and I don't wanna waste all your money" I say shaking my head dismissing the offer.

"It's really no problem, we want you to feel at home and comfortable" Melissa reassured with a smile "either way this is all I want" I say trying on the bracelet and to my surprise it fitted well "okay just tell me when you wanna buy something" Melissa said walking over to dani. I walk behind her taking the bracelet with me "I want this one" I heard dani say and saw her holding a bracelet with a little group of 3 flowers to be put on the top of the arm and it also had to be clipped. "Alright well it looks like you girls got what you need so let's go pay for them and get some breakfast" Melissa said walking us over to the counter so se could pay for the bracelets.

We payed for the bracelets and once we got in the car I took my bracelet out and quickly put it on. I smiled as I saw that the bracelet completed the outfit perfectly. "Well what do you girls wanna eat?" I heard Melissa ask "I'm fine with anything" I say putting my seatbelt on "why don't we go get some Starbucks?" Melissa suggested, I nodded taking out my phone and started to download songs on all my mp3 apps. I decided to listen to salute- Little Mix. I swear all of the songs they write makes me want to do the theme of the song, for example salute makes me wanna join the army, word up makes me wanna join a gym and move makes me wanna dance. I plug in my earphones as we drove to the place and having the occasional small talk every now and then.

And by that day forward I knew that I belonged here.

This was my home

A/N: hey guys so I hope this chapter was long cuz I worked really hard on it and I know it's kinda short but I promise it will get better and the chapters will get longer just hang in there!

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