Save Me From Myself, Don't Let Me Drown

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Dani POV
*1 week later*
A/N; sorry for the skipping of time :/ anywhores this chapter is dedicated to all of the people that self harm & I just wanna say...put a smile on your face darling. Why hide such a beautiful smile that lights up the room in seconds? Your face isn't a mask, don't hide it, your skin isn't paper, don't cut it. If you are getting bullied get some help babe, I know it seems hard now but trust me, you will thank yourself for doing it. If you think you're fat, ugly, etc. it's all a lie! Nobody's perfect it's true! But if you want to be something special just be you, nobody else smiles the way you smile, nobody else laughs the way you laugh, nobody is like you...because you are unique. Shine your light & don't hurt yourself because you hurt me ❤️ just remember that I love you & stay strong because my little fighter, things get brighter

It's been a week. En entire week. Just 1. One. Week. And Luna says she loves me & wants me back yet every time we run into each other, she's with someone different. I however honestly don't care, I have gotten over Luna & don't care anymore

Jessica & I have a pretty weird friendship. We don't act like friends in public, we act like we normally do. She does her thang & I do mine, although I'm helping her on self harm & revealing who she really is. It's Saturday & Jessica & I planned to meet up at her house to hang out. Vic knows about Jessica & I & he isn't mad or anything, he's actually happy about it

I am currently wrapped up in a towel since I just got out of the shower, I looked in my closet & grabbed a Bring Me The Horizon sweatshirt, leggings, & I slipped on some vans. I toweled dried my hair & then tied it up in a ponytail & added a coat of baby lips. I sprayed on some perfume & grabbed my phone slipping it in my thigh hoping that the leggings would be tight enough to not let it fall

I walked out of my room & froze, "what's going on?" I asked. Am I hallucinating or what? Because I know that I'm not seeing the guys take down Liv's room. Jaime froze & cleared his throat, "Dani, it's time" Jaime said as he put his arm around my shoulder

"Where is it all gonna go?" I said as Tony & Mike carried the crib that Liv's baby was supposed to sleep in. "We are gonna donate it all" Jaime said & Tony & Mike grabbed her bed taking it downstairs. "But, then what will happen to this room?" I asked. "Guest room" Jaime said

I didn't wanna cry, I was just shocked. "I'm gonna go, I have to see Jessica" I said clearing my throat. He nodded & kissed my forehead. I grabbed a pack of Skittles & walked out eating them along the way

Jessica's house wasn't far from here so it only took me a couple minutes. I threw away the now empty pack of Skittles & rang her doorbell. Her dad is still on his business trip so she's having the house all to herself for about 3 months. I heard footsteps & Jessica opened up the door

"Hey! Come in" Jessica said. I smiled & walked inside plopping down on the couch. "Pizza should be here any minute" Jessica said & I nodded, she was wearing a tank top with shorts & her hair was up in a messy bun, but something in her wrist caught my eye

"Jessica?" I asked looking at her. "Yea?" She responded as she sat down next to me. I grabbed her hand & pulled it over to me, I turned it around so I could see her wrist. "Oh my," I couldn't even finish my sentence because of all the scars she had on her wrist

"I-I'm sorry" Jessica sobbed. "But, why?" I asked frowning. "Because, I-I am so worthless, I have nothing to live for my life is shitty & so am I" Jessica sobbed. I shook my head & blinked back the tears. "Don't you ever say that, you aren't worthless, you are unique & you have your entire life to look forward to. Maybe right now you may think that your life is pathetic but who knows what you could be later on in life! You could be someone important in this world! You aren't shitty because just look at who you are now, you are the most popular girl in school, you have the entire school drooling over you & you have the body every person wants! Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem babe, just remember that after every rainstorm there's a rainbow" I smiled at her

At this point she was in tears. Jessica was at a loss for words & the only thing she could do right now was sob, I brought her into my embrace & let her sob on my shoulder while I rubbed her back soothingly

"Everything's gonna be okay darling" I whispered in her ear. She stopped crying & wiped away her tears, "thanks, for everything, because even though I was a complete bitch to you, you're still here by my side. I'm lucky to have you in my life right now & I'm so glad to have you here with me right now, thank you so so much" Jessica said

I smiled & couldn't help but plant a kiss on her cheek. "Don't thank me" I said smiling. Jessica was about to talk but I quickly smashed my fingers to her lips shutting her up. I pulled them away & she stood there smiling at me "I told you not to thank me" I said giggling

"There was another way to shut me up y'know" Jessica said. I laughed & frowned, "what other way?" I asked. She smirked at me & pecked my lips. I stood there shocked, I stared at her when she pulled away, "Jess, I don't wanna hurt you. Like I mean this kissing & stuff is pretty fun but I'm not really in the mood for a relationship & I don't wanna hurt you" I said. She laughed & shook her head, "don't worry about me, I'm not ready for something too but trust me, I won't get hurt, everything's okay" Jessica smiled. "So it's okay if I do this?" I asked & pressed my lips to hers gently. Sure we aren't anything but so what? I don't mind, & Jessica sure as hell doesn't mind, we're just having a little fun

The doorbell rang & I answered the door. "Pizza delivery for Dixxon?" The guy asked. Jessica's last name was Dixxon so I said it was ours, "that'll be $8.47" the guy said. I nodded & Jessica handed me a $10 bill. I gave it to him & handed Jessica her change bringing the pizza inside

Jessica & I ate until we were full. We then laid around & watched TV until Vic called me telling me to get home. I hugged Jessica goodbye before I left. I got home & the guys were laying around, "hey! You're just in time!" Vic smiled at me. I frowned & then the doorbell rang

I walked & opened it "China delivery for Fue- whoa, sup girl" the guy had a smirk on his face & began checking me out. "Hi!" I said smiling at him, "why hello" Mike said popping out from behind me. His face was red & his fist were balled up immediately scaring the guy, "I, uh, d-delivery for, uh, Fuentes?" The guy stuttered under Mike's death glare

"That's us, here's your money, keep the change & get the hell away from my daughter!" Mike boomed & the guys ran off. I raised my eyebrows at Mike, "really?" I asked. He nodded smiling at me. "Since when was I your daughter?" I asked. "Ever since Tony & I had sex. And plus Vic made me do it" Mike smiled. I laughed & the guys ate China but I was too full to eat anything

I sighed & looked at the guys, "men are idiots" I laughed. Jaime perked up with his mouth stuffed with noodles & his cheeks looked like a chipmunks. "Yeth, but ve are loffable idioths" Jaime said & I gagged staring at his mouth filled with saliva, & noodles. "Swallow, then talk" I said laughing

"That reminds me!" Jaime yelled. I raised my eyebrows & he smirked at me. Oh boy. "What do you want Jaime?" I asked. "I need your help, I have a date with Jessica soon & I want to be classy y'know? I need you to teach me how to behave on a date" Jaime said. I sighed, "fine we can start tomorrow during breakfast" I said & he smiled nodding

"And I have some very important news tomorrow during breakfast" Vic said. I looked at him & frowned, "what is it?" I asked. "You'll have to wait & see" Vic smiled at me. I groaned & he chuckled at me. "Well, I shall go to bed" I said yawning

Vic smiled at me & I stood up standing in front of the guys, "Michael Christopher Fuentes, till tomorrow" I said. Mike stood there stunned wondering how the hell I got his full name, haha! PTV fans are the best! "Victor Vincent Fuentes, till tomorrow" I smiled at him. "Cesar Antonio Soto Perry, by the way, long ass name, till tomorrow" I said laughing. "And Jaime, you lucky motherfucker I'm still working on your full name, so till tomorrow Fuenciado" I said winking at him

He chuckled & playfully shoved me. I walked up the stairs & took a shower slipping on an oversized t-shirt & got in bed

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