The times we've spent & their consequences

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Dani POV

I can't believe it's been 2 months already! Oliver & I have been together for 2 months now! & so have Liv & Austin

I swear these 2 months have flied by! I've had a birthday so now I'm 13 years old & I remember that day as if it were yesterday, Vic, Mike, Tony & Jaime all had smiles on their faces with their big fancy tuxes & such. Liv & I were awfully happy that day, we got to do everything we wanted for our 1st birthday with the guys & I'm glad I could spend it with the ones we love

Oliver & I got to spend the entire day together & he did a bunch of romantic things for me, we went out to dinner, had a nice walk at the park & once we got home we partied like wild animals. that night was a magical night, probably one of the best nights a girl could've ever experienced

Liv & I were on our way to the hotel where we all first met each other. "What do you think the surprise is?" Liv asked as we made a left turn "I dunno when it comes to Austin & Oliver who knows what could happen" I say as we both laughed

"Hey babe" Oliver greeted pecking my lips "what's the surprise?" I ask squealing "okay, I love you too" Oliver said rolling his eyes "I love you" I said kissing his cheek. Austin & Oliver led us to the room we always go to when we meet up, "okay so there isn't really a good way to say this" Oliver began when Austin took Liv to a separate room

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked as my heart skipped a beat "what!? Of course not I love you" Oliver said holding my hand & I sighed in relief "the thing is that there's something you don't know about me" Oliver said smirking

"Stop!" The door flew open & a girl came in "who are you!?" I asked standing up "I'm here to save you" the girl said standing in front of me "Jessica, how've you been?" Oliver asked smirking at this 'Jessica' girl "don't even try your little games with me Oliver" Jessica snapped

Oliver smirked walking to the door closing it what's going on?" I ask looking at Oliver "Dani meet Jessica, Jessica meet my current girlfriend Dani" Oliver said with an eery smile "Oliver is one of my ex's, he used me & a bunch of other girls for sex & I know he's gonna get you pregnant" Jessica said sending Oliver a death glare "what? Oliver is it true?" I asked as my entire body went numb "unfortunately it is my love, ya see I can't let anybody go, I love everyone too much to say goodbye so I figured if I get them pregnant they'll be mine forever" Oliver explained with a devious smile

"And I was about to do the deed with you when someone had to interrupt us" Oliver said looking at Jessica "but I know we'll continue anyway" Oliver said before he knocked Jessica out with a punch "Oliver look what you did!" I shriek staring at Jessica on the floor "your turn princess" Oliver said holding a wet cloth to my mouth & I was out like a light


I woke up with a headache "good your awake" Oliver said smirking & all the events came to me "let me go you rapist!" I yell tugging at the ropes I was tied to "no can do chicka" Oliver said sighing "please" I beg starting to sob

"Don't cry baby, I'm about to make you feel good" Oliver said climbing on top of me


"Oliver stop! Let me go we're both so young!" I cry out as he ripped off all my clothes till I was butt nude in front of him "shhh baby you'll love this" Oliver whispered with his hands roaming my body

I heard Liv scream from another room "wait? Is Liv in this?" I ask worriedly "yea she's with Austin about to do the deed as well" Oliver said taking his clothes off too "no! Liv is innocent she shouldn't be in this mess!" I yell tugging even harder on the ropes

"Babe relax, just sit back & enjoy this" Oliver whispered in my ear nibbling on my ear too. I whimpered as he kissed me down to my neck sucking viciously leaving me hickeys, he trailed down to my boobs sucking on them looking me in the eye "help! Somebody! Anybody!" I yell at the top of my lungs

"Scream all you want no one will come to your rescue baby it's just you & me" Oliver said smirking as he kissed my stomach going to my...entrance. "Oliver please stop!" I said as he started eating me out fiercely

I cried as he continued what he was doing "Ooh baby" Oliver moaned not breaking his eye contact "Oliver please let me go & I won't turn you into the authorities" I said as he finished "no can go do chicka I have to finish what I just started" Oliver said smirking

I felt him position himself at my entrance giving me a dirty look. I closed my eyes shut before I felt himself practically shove himself in me, I cried out in pain letting more tears flow down my face "fuck baby" Oliver groaned as he kept thrusting himself harder & harder inside of me. I suddenly felt something warm inside me & that's when I realized

He came in me "fuck babe" Oliver said jerking off coming in me even more. I made a disgusted face as I felt it all over inside of me.


Oliver jumped in bed next to me falling fast asleep very quickly, I however cried myself to sleep

A/N; Ha! Didn't see that coming did ya ? Didn't think so! I love it when I do these shocker moments, I always tell my friends 'expect the unexpected' & I'm telling you now cuz I still have a whole lot more chapters with *gasp* shocker moments 😱 so be prepared ;) anywhores what do you think about this? Plz comment comment what you think & rate/vote I love you all thanks for the 972 reads btw ! Oh my god did not see that coming, I guess you guys give me shocker moments too lol thanks for all the support you guys have given me you don't know how much it means to me honestly

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