In the small town of Albany (Western Australia) a boy named Matt Knight, and his friends David Warmongar, Ava Huntress and Luna Solae, were walking past their school on their way home from the movies.
Matt: That was a laaame movie.
David: Yah, I thought 'The Dragon Wars' would be mutch better than that.
Ava: I give it 10/10 for effort, but in the actual movie rating section it gets a big fat 0.
Luna: School is more exciting than that movie.
Matt: Agreed
They kept walking, until they stopped at the 'Dead House' an infamous place known for looking like many people where slaughtered there.
David: The Dead House, also known as 72 Contor Lane.
Ava: 72 is definitely the number of children who were murdered alone.
Matt: It's not that frightening.
He ran to the house and started jumping on the porch.
Matt: See, this is a harmless building. It's a complete dud.
He stopped jumping when he heard a cracking sound coming from his feet.
Ava: Get of there, it's going to break!
He leaned his foot forward, but didn't get off, as the porch cracked and broke open causing him to fall through. The others ran to see what happens and saw him in the basement after falling a great distance.
Ava: Are you ok?
Matt: If ok means that I fell down a porch into a dusty old basement and landing on a pile of sharp objects with my face then yes, I am ok.
He turned his head and curiously stared at a spot on the wall, Ava and Luna ran into the house and down the stairs to check on Matt, while David jumped through the hole in the porch and fell in a barrel of carpet tacks.
David: I'm in an incredible amount of pain.
Ava: Matt, what are you doing? That's a wall.
Matt: Then what's that?
He pointed to a strange rune on the wall that resembled a circle with a winged snake in the center. David rose out of the barrel covered in tacks from head to toe. All 4 of them stared at the spot on the wall. Matt put his hand on the wall, the winged snake on the rune slithered around the circle with a horrid hiss. Sparks flew from the rune and shot in all directions.
David: What's happening, and why do I smell blood and hear a constant ringing in my ear.
Luna: I think a hospital could do you good right now.
The sparks zapped the four of them, lightning spun around them and caused them to be sucked into the rune as different colors of electricity. They returned to normal when they arrived in an unusual room with red and gold walls, podiums with artifacts from around the world in two straight lines from the place they came, gold and gemstones where on each of the edges of the walls, and at the other side of the room a purple and red dome with a black and red aura around it.
Matt: Where are we? What is this place? What just happened?
Luna: Maybe it's like one of those clichés we're the chosen ones who get all this cool stuff for ourselves.
???: You're not any chosen one, your nothing more than trespassers, and crooks
Ava: Who said that? Where are you?
They looked around and saw a large shadow lurking on the wall, it crawled along the wall like a serpent slithering in the ocean.
???: I am Spikesworth Omar XII, and I am protector of the Relics Room, and all its contents.
Matt: I've never heard of a Relics Room before Spike.
Spike: It's Spikesworth Omar XII, thank you very much, don't you dare leave, I will hunt you down anyway and bring you back. No one can reveal this place to the world.
His shadow went to the back wall and grew to a massive size, it looked like a massive monster crawling up the wall. The kids looked down the shadow and saw the source, a small dragon with green scales, red eyes, and a line of 3 white spikes from his snout to in between his eyes.
Matt: Is that a dragon? I thought they don't exist!
Luna: You're the source of that scary voice, you're tiny?
Spike: I'm 100 011.
David: Really!? Your way older than us, so shouldn't you be much bigger than us??
Spike: Dragons age differently, every 10 000 human years is only 1 dragon year.
David: So, your basically your 10.
Spike: And a bit. Anyway, you are not allowed to leave ever again, you are trapped here for...
Matt: This place is awesome!!!
The four of them started running around the room, messing with all the artifacts they found like Thor's hammer, the magic carpet, Pandora's Box, the invisibility cloak, the sword in the stone, and even a rock that does nothing but complains.
Spike: Stop this madness right... NOW!!!
Spike took a deep breath and shot lightning from his mouth in all directions, electrocuting all four of the kids.
David: How did you do that?
Spike: All dragons can breathe lightning, it's our thing mister...
David: David, that's Matt, there's Ava, and there's also Luna.
Spike: Pleasure.
Matt: I thought dragons breathed fire, not lightning?
Spike: Well Matthew was it, not all dragons breathe fire, only special dragons can.
David walked around the room, when he stopped at the glowing dome at the end of the room.
Matt: So, this is a room for dangerous magic artifacts that must be sealed away?
Spike: Yes, and the most dangerous artifact is that dome at the end of the hall that David is touching right, now, STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!!
David: Stop what?
David's hand laid on the dome, the dome became brighter with larger, an ominous mist filled the room and leaked onto the rest of the world, the smell of death and decay lingered in the air. Whispers rose from the dome, whispers of destruction, they lingered in the air like the stench of decay. Red lights got sucked into the dome, a purple and black aura surrounded the dome causing a massive glowing beam to shoot out of dome in a huge burst.
Spike: What have you done! Touching the dome opens the portal to the Netherworld releasing every single evil creature inside allowing them to continue the war they started 100 000 years ago.
All the others: What!?
The dome started cracking; it got covered in them. A creaking came from the dome when it collapsed in on itself and from that spot came a massive hole plaid in red, purple and black, from the portal came multiple bursts of light spraying in all directions.
Everyone but David: David, what have you done!?
David: What have I done, I'm such an idiot.
FantasyThousands of years ago, the world was a land of peace, protected by the embodiment of thunder and storms themselves. Protected by the land, the dragons guarded the people as the people protected the land, it was a cycle of balance that lasted eterni...