~Chapter 6~

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I woke at around 6:30. When I got up, I noticed that there was a few drops of blood on my sheets.

"Shit." I hissed. Grabbing some clothes, I began to shower.

While I was walking through the hallway to breakfast, I ran into Riddle. his shirt was unbuttoned at the top, and I could see his abs through his shirt. God he's hot. "I am, darling." Get out of my head, Riddle! I felt his presence tense. I said, get out of my head! The presence slipped away.

"Don't do that again, or you'll be sorry." I hissed.

"I'm never sorry, darling." He smirked. That name made my skin crawl.


I watched as Black walked through the hall. She froze when she saw my chest. I know, I'm hot. I decided to get into her mind, just to know what she was thinking.

"God he's hot."  I am, darling. "Get out of my head, Riddle!"

Wait, she can sense me? No one except my father can sense when I'm in his mind! In froze. Then I heard her again. "I said, get out of my head!"  I slipped out of her mind. She looked angry, when she looked at me.

"Don't do that again, or you'll be sorry." She hissed.

"I'm never sorry, darling." I smirked. I could see her glare at the name, but it only made my smirk bigger.


I had finished my breakfast and hadn't seen Pansy. So I went to her dorm, and knocked.

"Come in!" She said cheerfully.

"Morning. Why weren't you at breakfast today?" I asked when I walked into the dorm.

"I was tired." She answered simply. "Now, tell me! Did anything fun happen??"

I told her about my meeting with Riddle. When I finished, Pansy was sitting with her mouth agape.

"OMG! You actually spoke to him? He is SO hot!" Pansy squealed.

"No he's not." I rolled my eyes.

"He's like the hottest boy in the school! Second is Draco, duh!" Pansy jumped up and down like a toddler.

"Please don't tell me that you made a list." I sighed.

Pansy smiled and hurried to her desk. She handed me a piece of paper.

Hottest Boys in School
1. Mattheo Riddle
2. Draco Malfoy
3. Theodore Nott
4. Cedric Diggory
5. Marcus Flint
6. Blaise Zambini
7. Lorenzo Berkshire
8. Draco
9. Draco

I read the list and laughed at Pansy. "Did you make it?" I laughed.

She nodded and glanced at 2, 8, 9, and 10. "Shut up!" She blushed bright red.

We all went to the Great Hall. I was wide awake, who knows why. Pansy seemed so tired, though. But that didn't stop Draco and Pansy from flirting the whole way to breakfast. I was trying not to throw up. Riddle was sitting next to our spot. I was surprised that the other houses sat wherever they wanted. In Slytherin, everyone had their own spot, which you sort of picked on the first day of school each year. That's why all the Slytherins fought to get in first, so that they could sit by their friends. I anyway sat by my friends because I scared away all the little kids who were foolish enough to sit near me.

"Lilith! Lilith! Lil, you awake??" Theodore shook me.

"Yeah. Sorry, I just blanked out for a bit." I explained, pushing food onto my fork.

"Sooo." Pansy smirked. "What are you guys being for halloween?"

"Skeletons." all the boys said at the same time.

"So original." I laughed.

"Devil." I told Pansy.

"Angel." Pansy told us.

"Because you're my Angel!" Draco kissed Pansy softly.

"Guys! You've only dated for like a couple days!" Enzo mimed barffing.

We chatted for a while before we noticed that the other students were getting up to go to class. We all got up and were walking past the Slytherin common room when I went in.

"dDid you forget something, Lil?" Pansy asked.

"I have a free period now." I explained before heading into the common room. Riddle was there.

"What are you doing here? You have class." he said, without looking away from his work.

"Free period." I responded. He nodded and continued to write. It was then that I remembered that I didn't change the sheets.

I walked over to my bed, and to my surprise, the sheets were already changed. It was probably Pansy. She can always tell when I have my period. She probably went to change them when I was in the bathroom.

I did some homework during the period, went to the library for some projects and basically got caught up on everything. The time went by fast, but I always got a feeling that someone was watching me. Probably me just going insane, right? My next class was with Snape. I had all the same classes as Riddle. Snape had made me show him around for the rest of the year, who knows why. This was my first year too! Pansy and I met up at class. She was sitting next to Draco, while I had to sit next to Riddle. I hated it. He was never paying attention in class, and I always had to show him what we were teaching after. Snape said it would count against my grade if he failed. Why?! I sat in my usual seat, hoping that Riddle would pay attention today, since we have a huge project today and I want to get as much work as possible done on it. The project would be due in a couple days. Today we were getting time to work on it, if we finished making the potion we had to make quickly.

Today we were working on making an antidote for dragon-pox. I learned this stuff when I was twelve! I finished the potion first, so I got a lot of time to study on potions. Snape said that the project was to research different antidotes and write an essay on them. We also had to make a potion that we wrote about, and it had to be perfect. I worked on the research part for almost half of the period. Not many people finished the potion, but Riddle, Granger, Potter, Weasley and Draco did, as well as me. I knew that Potter and Weasley were getting help from Granger. They were put in detention for it. Snape said that we had to work with our desk partner for the research part of the project. He said it would build our 'teamwork' skills. Who cares about teamwork? I want to get a good grade, and who knows if Riddle can even make a cure for boils? For all I know, he might have just been copying me to finish the potion today.

"Don't worry, my score is higher than Granger's in potions."

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating for a while. My project will go on until February, so updates might not be really regular until then. But I got a laptop, so hopefully I can type sooner quickly with it! -A/N

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