~Chapter 30~

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hey guys! This chapter is dedicated to everyone who follows me, because you guys are all amazing! Also, please vote and comment! I love waking up and seeing that people voted and commented!

I want to know you guys better, so every chapter, I'm going to ask you guys a question!

What other fandoms are you guys part of, other than Harry Potter?


Also, to clear some confusion, Voldemort's body is like a clone but not a clone (until he uses the potion and all that)...I can't think of the right word! If you can explain it better, please comment!

-Lilith's POV-

I woke up to someone gently shaking me awake. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Mattheo was standing by the bed, fully dressed, with his hair dripping onto the blankets.

"Get up. My father wants to see you." Mattheo muttered, running a hand through his hair.

I nodded timidly and hurried to the ensuite bathroom to shower and get myself somewhat tidy. Once I had finished my shower, it only took a snap of my fingers to bring a black, long-sleeved shirt, black miniskirt and black knee-high boots, along with my make-up bag, to Mattheo's bathroom from my dorm.

The Dark Lord apparently didn't like colours, so I had to work with, well, black. Once I had added some natural makeup onto my face, I walked out of the room, where Mattheo was waiting for me.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door and down many flights of stairs, while I magically dried my hair. We arrived, breathlessly, into the dining hall, where a long, mysterious table occupied the centre of the room. Chairs were tucked around it, many of them filled by Death-Eaters. The throne-like chair at the end of the table, furthest from the door, was empty.

"You are late." A death-eater announced."Yes, I apologize. This...slut made me late." Mattheo said evenly. He sent me a vicious glare, and I played the part of a timid, scared girl.

"I don't remember asking. Now take a seat!" The man ordered. Mattheo walked to the seat next to the head of the table, and I took the one beside his. I noticed the four seats beside me was empty, but it was soon filled by Draco, who walked in with his family. He gave a reassuring look, but then kept his head down. I mimicked him.

"All rise for the noble, powerful Dark Lord." A death-eater next to the door announced. I obeyed, hearing the shifts of cloth and creeks of moving chairs back.

I watched as Voldemort walked in. Everyone bowed down, and I did too. We stayed bowed until Voldemort had taken his seat in the throne-like chair. I sat along with everyone else.

I noticed Daphne sitting in front of me. She had her head down, but I could see fear in her eyes.

She looked up at me and sent me a small smile, before looking back at the table again. I mimicked her movements, and I could see other kids at the meeting in the same position as us, including Draco. Mattheo obviously was giving a report on Hogwarts to his father, so he was looking up. Mattheo seemed to be comfortable in this situation, but I assumed it was because he was raised in this environment.

"Lilith Black." My name was called by the Dark Lord. I looked up, trying not to seem nervous.
"Do you have any information from the Order?" Voldemort asked coldly. I shook my head.

"They have not said anything important over the last few meetings. No one knows where you are, or any of your plans. Most of them think you're dead. My father has not said a think about me being a death-eater." I told him. Mattheo had warned me that lying about anything could get me into trouble, so I was careful to speak the truth.

"Interesting. Serverus?" The Dark Lord turned to Snape.

"Dumbledore has not told me anything of importance, but I fear he suspects me. He usually gives me some information, but he has remained tight-lipped for now." Snape reported, as if he had rehearsed what he would say.

"Interesting. Serverus, I would like you to miss a few meetings, avoid talking to death-eater students and whatever you can to earn Dumbledore's trust. While most of us might not like it, he is a vital source of information while we are still trying to get back on our feet. Understood?" Voldemort turned to the foot of the table, where I could hear a dull hissing.

Slowly, Nagini slithered onto the table, hissing lowly. I shrank back from the snake, terrified. Mattheo's hand enveloped mine underneath the table.

"We have a traitor amongst us!" Voldemort boomed. "One of your peers has reported information to The Order of the Phoenix!" I noticed Snape stiffen.

"Bailey Cold, please rise." Voldemort hissed. A woman stood. "Do you have any accomplices that have helped you provide facts to the Order?" The woman shook her head. She was more a girl, really. Her face was young and wrinkle-free. "Climb onto the table." The woman obeyed.

"Nagini...breakfast time."

I screwed my eyes shut, not wanting to watch the event unfold in front of me.

"AHH!!" A shriek sounded.

Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter! Please excuse any mistakes, I did most of this on my phone, and I'm terrible at typing on my phone.

Thank you all for commenting, voting and reading. Please comment and vote! I love it when I get notifications from people who comment, and if you see any mistakes, point them out! Thank you to SalmenFox for pointing out a mistake in the third chapter! (I think)

The third person who comments will get a dedication! I'll comment too, so that it's easier for you!

5 votes for the next chapter!

Don't be a silent reader!





Love ya!

This chapter has not been proof read.

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