~Chapter 32~

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I picked at my food, sighing as I stared at the row of shelves in front of me. I had been sitting at Mattheo's desk for a while, stirring my now cold soup with my  spoon. After a week of being here, each day got more and more boring.

"Love, I need to go now. Please eat your lunch, okay?" Mattheo murmured, standing up from his seat beside me.

"Okay." I muttered, watching him leave the room. 

I managed to finish the soup fairly quickly, and was reading a book when a knock sounded on my door. I opened it, thinking that it was Mattheo, who might have forgotten his keys. to my surprise, I saw a blond, slick-haired head in front of me.

"Lilith! Get some stuff in a backpack, and come with me!" Draco hissed. I nodded, a bit confused, but stuffed some clothes in my bag, along with a sandwich that I had saved from lunch the day before.

Draco grabbed my hand, closed the door and ran through the halls. To my surprise, not a single guard or Death-eater was in the hallway, making it a lot easier than I had thought it would be. 

Draco pulled me to the first floor, and opened a huge window that overlooked a muggle road. A black car was parked outside, under the window. 

"Get in!" The window rolled down and revealed Theodore, who was driving the car. he swung the door open, and Draco helped me down. I sat in the back, next to Daphne, who had also came. After my bag was tossed in after me, I shut the door. 

"Thank you!" I yelled to Draco, rolling the window down. He simply nodded, and watched as the car sped off.


I screamed as an explosion hit the car. It burst into flames, and I could hear the sizzles and cracks of the fire. 

Daphne and I ran for cover, with Theodore on our heels. We kept running, scared for our lives. Who would have known about our escape? I could feel the heat of the flames behind me, but I was too afraid to look. 

Chaos ensued behind us. Men yelled, I could hear a woman cackling madly and explosions escaped from wands. My own hand was clutching my wand tightly, ready to send a spell back to our attackers. 

Suddenly, we were circled by Death-eaters. They looked identical with their masks on, which made the whole situation feel more unnerving than it already had been. I pointed my wand at one, but before I could shoot a spell at them, I heard a voice that was all too familiar.

"Say a word and we won't hesitate to kill Nott." Bellatrix said from behind me. I whipped around to see her mask off, her wand pointing at Theodore. "Thank you for telling us about this little..escape, Daphne. I'll be sure to mention your name to the Dark Lord." 

Daphne smiled, slipping her wand into her pocket and walking to stand next to Bellatrix. 

"Daphne...how could you?" I choked out. Tears filled my vision. Theodore's hand rested on my shoulder. I turned to him, seeing anger grow on his face. 

"They could have killed me if I was a part of this. So, I did what I had to do to be safe." Daphne shrugged, an evil smirk written on her face. 

"You helped me! I thought you were my friend!" I stared at her, feeling betrayed.

"Yes, but only on the Dark Lord's orders. I would never have given you any attention if you weren't important on my mission. But now, it isn't important that you know about it. He only wanted to keep an eye on you. But I would never do this for free." Daphne's smirk grew.

"What did he promise you?" I asked, fear spreading through me. 

"You'll see." She pointed her wand at me. "Crucio." 

I fell to the ground. Pain filled me. Pain made me writhe on the ground. Pain made blood gush out of me. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain.

"Please! Stop!" I begged. Daphne only let out a laugh, and the pain intensified. I heard groans from beside me, and when I turned I saw Theodore on his knees, with Bellatrix pointing her want at him

I sobbed. "Please! Don't hurt him!" 

She simply cackled in response.

The torture went on for what felt like hours. By then, my vision was becoming blurry, and Theodore had already passed out. I looked up to see Daphne laughing at me, her wand pointed at me, seeming to enjoy my suffering. Bellatrix pointed her wand at me as well, the pain intensifying with her magic. 

The world turned black.


Plot twist! I hope you guys liked the chapter. Vote and comment so that Daphne dies a horrible death!

I know I've been dead for a while, but I honestly didn't feel like writing during that time I was not updating. I was sick, and didn't feel like doing anything.

Anyway, hopefully I update soon!

Bye! Love ya!


This chapter has not been proof read.

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