Chapter eight

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3rd person pov

Siren's where going off all around the block from fire trucks and ambulance who had just arrived to the scene of a apartment complex fire that was caused by a faulty outlet on the tenth fifth floor. The whole place was up in flames. The fire fighters tried their best to fight the flames and get most of the people out of the building but the fire was spreading  to fast. 

"Sir the fire is spreading to fast we can't contain it

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"Sir the fire is spreading to fast we can't contain it." Said one of the firemen to his captain.

"Damn it." Said the captain.

"Someone help my son and daughters are still in the building." Said a young mother who was trying to go back into the building but was being held back by some of the firemen.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you can't go in." The captain said before there was a explosion coming from the fourth.

"Okay everyone get back." Said a fireman.

"Please someone save my children please." said the mother. Like a sign from the heavens a bright light shot through the sky and into the building.

"What the hell was that?" Asked the fire chief. Meanwhile inside the building Angelus was walking through the flames fan the them away searching for the trapped kids.

"Razgriz can you sense which apartment the kids are trapped in?" Angelus asked

"Just up ahead and down the hall and the second door to the last." Razgriz replied. The flames where getting higher and hotter. Inside the burning apartment three kids one boy and two girls where huddled in a corner crying.

"It's okay Maddie someone will come for us." Said the boy trying to keep his sisters calm.

"Brother I'm scared." said the youngest sister April.

"Nothing is gonna happen to you." said the boy before a piece of the roof fell a few inches away from them. The smoke was getting stronger and was making the kids cough and was close to passing out. Time seem to stand still before the door to the apartment burst open and in the door way stood three people one of them was angelus and the other two was Kalawarner and Belldandy.

"It's okay where gonna get you out of here. Kalawarner, Belldandy you take the girls I got the boy" Angelus said picking up the boy.

"Yes sir." Kalawarner said walking over to one of the girls and Belldandy did the same with the other one and the three of them carrying the kids walked out of the room before it collapsed. Outside the fire was getting worse. The young mother was scared for she feared she'll lose her children but suddenly a explosion came from one of the windows and from it flew out Angelus, Belldandy and Kalawarner each one carry one of the children and landed on the ground letting the kids run to their mother.

"Mommy." Said the boy who hugged his mom and so did the two girls. The firefighters along with the crowd where surprised and was almost speechless to see three angels standing before them.

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