Chapter nine

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Angelus Pov

It was a sunny day and I was standing on top of a hill overlooking Kuoh  enjoying the breeze of the gentle wind lost in thought.

"Something on your mind my lord? asked Razgriz

"Kind of." I said

"Was it about the great war between the three factions? I understand if you don't want to talk about it." said Razgriz

"Nah it's okay might as well tell you some events that happened before the great war.

*flashback several years  ago before the great war*

I was about sixteen to eighteen years old out in the woods training my archering skills and hunting animals for my lunch. I made sure I didn't make a sound  looking for a target until I spotted one a elk a big one to.

 I made sure I didn't make a sound  looking for a target until I spotted one a elk a big one to

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"Hello beautiful." I said drawing my arrow and placed it on my bow and pulled the string back and controlled my breathing and fired my arrow which flew true and hit the elk dead in the neck and it dropped dead like a rock. Slowly approaching the animal I noticed something was off there was a second arrow in the body.

"Strange why is there  a second arrow and where did it come from?" I asked myself before I heard movement in the bushes and turned around drawing my bow ready for what came out of the bushes but it wasn't a anima it was a women with woody brown colored hair she to had a bow and arrow.

"Strange why is there  a second arrow and where did it come from?" I asked myself before I heard movement in the bushes and turned around drawing my bow ready for what came out of the bushes but it wasn't a anima it was a women with woody brown co...

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"Don't you dare touch that elk I killed it so it's mine." said the women

"Sorry lady but there must been some mistake I'm the one who killed the elk." I said

"You dare call me a liar? How do I know that you didn't shoot your arrow after mine?" asked the women. Thinking to myself it was just a waste of time to argue.

"Look can we not argue about this lets just say for the sake of argument that somehow both our shots hit the elk at the same time but I'll hunt somewhere else then." I said taking my arrow and cleaned it off before starting to walk away.

"Wait. perhaps I was to hasty and harsh so why don't we start off new. My name is Diana and I be honored to share this elk with you." said Diana

"Angelus the name and I thank you." I said.  Diana smiled and we carried the elk back to her camp and cleaned it inside and outside before we started to cook it. While it was cooking I was sitting against a tree before I took out a flute and started to play.

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