Chapter 3

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Angelus Pov

There I was sitting in the student  council room across for Sona  as I explain the events on  what happen with Orihime.

"SO to understand clearly you were walking around town trying to get a feel of the place cause you just moved here and came across Orihime who was being harassed  by a group of thugs and saved her from them only for her to get a  sprain ankle and you had to carried her all the way here correct?" Sona asked as I nodded my head.

"That is correct Ms. Shitori it's not in my nature to turn away from someone who is in trouble it goes against everything I know about helping others and also I apologize if I caused any misunderstandings." I said.

"No not at all it's just we never seen someone to act the way you did before and I thank you for that." Sona said

"Well your very welcome and if there isn't anything else I take my leave then." I said as I stood up and shook Sona's hand and headed out the door and walked down the hall.

"You sensed it to didn't you Razgriz?" I asked

"Yes their devils and I sensed there is more of them nearby as well so be on your guard." Razgriz replied.

"Not to worry we have nothing to worry or fear from them if we don't bother them they won't bother us." I said  as I walked around the school for a bit considering  classes hasn't started yet. As I walk around the campus I see three guys being chased by a group of girls wielding kendo sticks as they were yelling at the three boys know as the perverted trio as I just laughed smiled and laughed a little as I felt some energy coming from  behind me as I turned around and look up to see a red hair girl standing in the window as she was looking at me as I looked at her unamused.

 As I walk around the campus I see three guys being chased by a group of girls wielding kendo sticks as they were yelling at the three boys know as the perverted trio as I just laughed smiled and laughed a little as I felt some energy coming from ...

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Thinking to myself she must be a devil as well but I'm sure I have nothing to worry from her as the both of us kept looking at each other before I smirked and went on my way as she moved away from the window.

Rias pov

As I look out the window I see a white hair boy staring at me like he was looking into my very soul, but I also sensed some power coming from him. I turned to my queen and asked her who was that guy.

"Akeno who is that guy with the long  white hair?" I asked my queen Akeno.

"I don't know I haven't seen him before." Akeno re[pied  as she was sipping some tea.

"Huh.... well there's something about this guy lets get Koneko to follow him and report back when she has anything." I said as walk over to my desk and sat down arms folded in front of me in deep thought.

Angelus Pov 

Once I was away form the school I continued to explore the town which I had to saw was very nice. While I was walking I saw a girl standing near the corner handing out flowers to the people walking by. She was very beautiful her long brown hair blowing in the wind gentle and those green eyes of hers and that smile would break even the toughest of shells.

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