From: gracyhemmy

To: shelley.prinston

Object: The Logan Kent Article

Good morning Shelley,

You'll find my first article on Logan Kent in the attached files. We've had an amazing and very educational time at his Masterclass. He's been very generous with his time and his advice. We've agreed to keep in touch, and he has offered to answer more questions if need be. I hope my article will please you on the event. I will write more of them in my spare time for you to use whenever you feel the need to. If you want me to rewrite my article or focus on certain things, don't be shy to send me your corrections. We leave for Edinburgh tomorrow, so I can work on it then when we arrive.

Have a very nice day,


ATTACHED FILE: Homme de mystère, homme de culture: Logan Kent.docx

Monday, 12:39


From: shelley.prinston

To: gracyhemmy

Object: Re: The Logan Kent Article

Hi Grace,

I'm so happy you enjoyed yourselves. I loved the article. I think you really understood his character and you show him in a great light. I had to correct little French mistakes, but other than that, it's going to be published as is. I'm surprised to read about the success of his Masterclass. I wasn't expecting such popularity. Either the publishers did an amazing publicity campaign or people really do love him. In any case, I'm sorry I missed it.

I can't wait to read what else you have to write about him.



Tuesday, 17:02 EST


From: gracyhemmy

To: shelley.prinston

Object: Re: Re: The Logan Kent Article

Hi Shelley,

I felt quite inspired these last few days. Here are two more articles on Mister Kent. One is about the charity he is involved with and the second about something more personal he's opened about during our conversation. I think you will enjoy them. Let me know if that's something you've already written about.



ATTACHED FILES: Le don de l'Art.docx, Ouvrir son coeur, ouvrir ses plaies: l'histoire de Logan Kent.docx

Sunday, 22:56


I close my laptop and let the darkness in the hotel room embrace me. Next to me, Marcel is sleeping silently. It's our first night in Liverpool. Our visit to Edinburgh and Glasgow were uneventful. Marcel had lots of work to do. He spent most of his days hidden behind his laptop. He told me his mum had given him more responsibilities. I didn't question him more about it. I've been quite distracted as well.

I think we are both a little knackered and drained. We don't seem to be enjoying the same little things that used to bring us joy. I don't know, maybe I'm a little anxious. I've been questioning myself a lot lately, about what comes next. I've drafted a little story that could be worked on. I write articles for Shelley Prinston, but is that really what I want to do with my life? I have no plans. I have nothing to structure my life around. I could decide to write another novel, but I don't know if it's going to be good enough, or good enough for Wright Books. I could go back to Uni. But to study what? I was always so confident in my plan to work at a museum when I graduated. Would they even hire me? I could study Greek Art History, it has always been what inspired me most. I could go to Uni and study literature...

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