A Rogue Coconut Boy

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*Lucks would be walking towards an elevator in TasCorp. He would use his earpiece to start recording an audio log of himself while he's in the elevator*

Lucks: Project log: Day 183. Research on the nature of Subject Two remains... inconclusive. He continues to display potential far beyond a normal computer program. And attempts to replicate his manifestation in the physical world have been proven, fruitless. But if we can crack this enigma, then I have no doubt that this will be the greatest discovery in the history of computer science.

*Lucks would arrive at the floor he was in, it was shown to be a hall of computers with one giant monitor on the wall. Lucks then taps his earpiece, closing the his holographic screen and the audio log. He looks at a scientist in the floor he was in and nods to him to start up the screen wall. It would reveal to be Theo, still in his enclosed white room in a TasCorp server*

Theo: Okay maybe if I... wait, no. What about? Eh, no, that's worse.

*Lucks would cough as Theo notices him looking at Theo trying to glitch the server room*

Theo: Oh, heh.

Lucks: Good morning Theo. And how are we today?

Theo: We'll let me see... IM STILL STUCK IN HERE! Just like yesterday! And the day before that! And the day before that!

Lucks: Now Theo, we've been through this. This room is a necessity for you. Otherwise, you'd still be glitching out or just... frozen in a memory card. You're safe there. Just think of it as...

*Lucks looks at a scientist, who would then type a code to spawn a small chair next to Theo*

Lucks: ...your home.

*Lucks would signal to Theo to have a seat on his chair. However Theo had other plans for that*

Theo: Hmm, weeeeell. I had a home before a certain "someone" crushed it. Had a lot more stuff in it too...

Lucks: Yes, and that was... regrettable. But believe me we are working on a way to get you out of that room. Wouldn't you like that?

*Theo would start moving the chair a bit to the center of the room*

Theo: We'll, that does sound nice... but I'm pretty sure I can get out of here myself!

*Theo would start performing a glitch by jumping on top of the chair he had and phasing through the wall of the server room he was in*

Lucks: Where did he just go!?

*A scientist would shrug at Luck's question. That said scientist would be pushed off his chair by Lucks as he sat where the scientist was*

Lucks: "Data anomaly detected in the-" IS HE IN THE SERVER!?

*Theo would start falling into a sea of databases and many traveling particles of code flying above him with floating cubes of every current operating system in TasCorp's building. He would hit the ground, stayed for a second, and then jumped up in happiness*

Theo: Crackerjack! IM FREE! Wooooaaaahhh!

*Theo would start running through the server, jumping on one of the cubes, causing one of their computers in the server hall to glitch a little*

Lucks: Everyone, get him back here, NOW!

*As the incompetent scientist struggle to try and catch Theo in the server, Lucks would say*

Lucks: Fine, I'll do it myself.

*Lucks would enable a data partition to block Theo and the still unnoticed in the server. A wall of databases would surround Theo, but he would jump over it using his coconut. A notice on Luck's computer would show "Data Partition Failed"*

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