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Akihiko lit up another cigarette after he snuffed out the shorter one inside of his panda ashtray. He ignored the glare Hiroki directed his way over his tobacco habit. There was no way he was quitting cold turkey any time soon, he had grown used to it after so many years of doing it. It helped with some of the stresses he had in his life as an author, Aikawa had to think those sticks for making him tolerate her when she went into one of her many rants. Besides, most of the people he knew in his life smoked, one of the few exceptions sat in front of him.

He put away his lighter while he hooked a leg over his other leg and relaxed against his sofa. Watching Hiroki taking a gulp of the green tea he prepared, he saw him wincing and glanced down at the cup in his hands. Akihiko knew his tea making skills were lackluster, but he didn't see the need for Hiroki to show his displeasure. It was only polite to mask the fact it didn't taste too good. Honestly, he didn't care, at least Hiroki didn't suck up to him like most people in his life.

Maybe this was the time to put in his old suggestion from when they graduated high school. For Hiroki to submit his works to his publishing house and cease the fight for his old job when his talents were wasted on them. He believed Hiroki had amazing writing talent, despite Hiroki's criticisms and lack of confidence, his friend had amazing ideas to share with the world. Having sneaked peeks at Hiroki's creative writing in high school and university, he didn't want him to push away a good opportunity. He wouldn't even need to put his own name on the books, he could always put in a pseudonym in replacement of his name.

Akihiko let out a long puff of smoke when he commented. "I told you continuing that job would bite you in the ass one day." He never understood why Hiroki took on teaching people when the man hated interaction with most of the general population. "Hell, working for your father would have been better for you. Something I would never do in my life. I left that shit to Haruhiko; he isn't completely incompetent."

Hiroki picked up a manila envelope on the coffee table, "Shut up." He reached over the table and hit Akihiko on the shoulder. "I was doing really well at my job Akihiko."

Akihiko smirked. "Oh yes, considering how I got word of your demon status from the rumor mill in between the students."

"There are harder professors at Mitsuhashi, I was helping them prepare for the work load when they took on those classes." Hiroki huffed. "Some students even come back to thank me for my strict regimen, so it was worth it." He saw Akihiko's questioning gaze. "Those students exist! Besides, the ones who failed my class wasted their money when they didn't quit before the deadline."

Akihiko shrugged his shoulders. "Either way, you worked yourself ragged for not a lot of pay. Half the time you complained about the stresses of your job, Hiroki."

"I know but everyone complains about their job." Hiroki glanced at him. "You complain about your job as an author."

"Only because I don't like going to the events to promote my work that is the job of the publishing house." Akihiko explained. "Having to explain my book so many times gets tiring after a while. For some reason, people actually like me to buy them apparently."

Hiroki rolled his eyes. "You painted a smooth persona of an author, if they knew who you really were they wouldn't be buying your shit."

"Well, it's shit that is making me money." He winked at Hiroki. "You are the one who first said I had the talent for writing back then."

"And where it has gotten you, an inflated ego the size of Japan."

"Why thank you."

Hiroki scoffed. "You seriously don't take anything seriously, do you?"

A Lingering Touch (Junjou Romantica)Where stories live. Discover now