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The moment Hiroki heard some loud knocks at the front door, he tried not to bolt toward the area. He fast walked and smoothed down his shirt. He didn't care about the appearance of his hair or anything else. Akihiko wasn't anyone that important to warrant a hair check. The guy messed up his hair even more just to annoy him after all. He even blew his smoke to his face just to get a reaction out of him. Having learned to keep in his temper, this just made Akihiko want attempt new methods against him. So far, Akihiko had not succeeded in making him blow up like when they were in high school. At least, not yet anyway but it didn't stop Akihiko from trying. Half of their interactions were Akihiko trying to get him angry at him for his amusement.

Opening the door, a line of smoke blew in his face. Covering his nose, he glared at Akihiko. Using his other hand to dissipate the smoke, he tried not to cough as a result. Next time, Akihiko would get a book to his face. Crushing his perfectly lined nose mattered little to him. It might build some character in the guy, and he wouldn't care much about his appearance. Not that Akihiko boasted about his good luck in appearance, he gave vague details whenever he spoke to certain people who annoyed him. He caught a flash of red and his glare weakened. Aikawa stood right next to Akihiko with a carry out box in her hands.

Hiroki moved out of the way, ignoring Akihiko, he talked to Aikawa without any anger in his voice. "I didn't know you were coming, Aikawa-san. This moron failed to mention this when he called me yesterday."

Aikawa grinned as she waved her carry out box full of sweet with her manicured hands. "When he told me he couldn't finish his manuscript again. I knew it had something to do with leaving town, so I bullied him into letting me come along. I have the papers for you to sign so you are a new member of Marukawa in my purse. You can even pitch me one of your ideas right now if you want."

Akihiko rolled his eyes as he inhaled more smoke into his lungs. "She extended my deadline another month."

Hiroki glanced at Akihiko, knowing full well Akihiko always had his way in his endeavors. He wouldn't do anyone favors without getting something in return. He had enough money, so it went toward extending he deadlines on his late which he spent finishing at the last minute. Although Aikawa didn't relent in her pursuit about Akihiko's lateness. Hiroki knew she intimidated Akihiko in some shape or form.

Akihiko's old editor cowered with one push. He actually felt pity for the guy and tried helping out at times, but he grew tired being the mediator. Good thing Aikawa came along and somewhat straightened Akihiko out.

Aikawa huffed as she put her a hand on her hips. "You are lucky Isaka-san goes easy on you."

"Because my books are always best sellers."

Hiroki intervened as he motioned them inside. "Do you two want any tea? I have a coffee maker if that is not what you want."

Aikawa smiled as she took off her heels. "That would be lovely. Thank you so much, Kamijou-san." She opened the cabinet near the door to take out a pair of slippers. "Do you have a variety of tea to choose from? I don't have a real preference."

Hiroki turned toward Akihiko. "Snuff that out before coming in here,"

Akihiko blew another line of smoke. "Why? You are used to smelling and seeing me smoking."

Hiroki arched a brow. "Due to the fact this place was my grandfather's pride and joy. He gave me the responsibility to look after it. I made sure this place was cleaned and I won't have you drop ash in this place. He might come back from the dead and haunt you in your dreams."

Akihiko stared at him, then dropped the cigarette to the ground and snuffed it out. "I'm not risking my valuable amazing dreams because of an old man coming to yell at me. I hate getting yelled at by anyone. It makes me uncomfortable."

A Lingering Touch (Junjou Romantica)Where stories live. Discover now