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The moment his uncle stopped his car near the trail, Hiroki snatched his overnight bag and bolted out. Disregarding Rikei's questions, he focused on making it through the forest. Dodging low tree branches and roots sprouting out of the ground. Observing the area for any sign of bright red cloth or golden bracelets. Anything to signify the well being of the guardian. Nights passed since he last saw him. The dread of days ago left his shoulders. Utter relief took over and he wanted nothing more to catch a glimpse of that dimpled smile.

Once his talisman tattered home appeared in the distance, Hiroki sped up, almost tripping on his own two feet. He dropped his overnight bag onto the grass to regain his balance. Breaking through the brush, he saw the tall figure of his memories. Nowaki sat on his porch. His long hair trailed behind him, cascading over those broad shoulders. Sections flowed in the air with each gust of wind.

He pinched his forearm through his sleeve. The shot of pain revealed the truth. Nowaki stayed in his line of vision, surrounded with little birds nestling on his arms and his hands. Nowaki's smile grew as the bird in his palm twirled around. Chirping in delight alongside Nowaki's chuckles.

Hiroki stepped forward.

He wondered when Nowaki turned into a fixture in his life. From the eagerness in seeing his smile to hearing his smooth clear voice. His presence brought his heart to rapidly beat. A familiar feeling of comfort submerged him.

Whenever he thought of Nowaki, the stories in his mind flourished. Breaking into different sections, blossoming into paragraphs of the ideas swimming in his mind. Worlds he thought remained in the recesses of his mind back in high school. They flowed through his fingertips as he typed on his laptop. The lack of information of Nowaki's disappearance caused his writing to skid into a halt.

He yearned touching Nowaki's large hand. To interlace their fingers, squeezing each other firm and tight. Embracing longer than mere seconds. Kisses fueling the fires of their hearts. For him, those actions brought a wistful smile. Any other physical actions came second.

Nothing else mattered but Nowaki staying at his side.

"Nowaki." Hiroki made himself known.

Nowaki snapped his head toward Hiroki's direction. His blue eyes wide and sparkling from overwhelming happiness. The birds flew away from him from the introduction of a new voice. Hiroki's footsteps crunched the leaves underneath his feet. Hiroki stumbled on closer, his eyes collecting a wave of tears. He tried holding them back as he hiccuped.

Nowaki struggled onto his feet, a weary smile graced his face. "Hiroki-san...you're here...I." He coughed into his hand, revealing his naked wrists to Hiroki's gaze. No gold bracelets. "Welcome home."

"H-How?" Hiroki felt the tears trickling down his face. "I-I mean..."

"I'm alive." Nowaki answered Hiroki's unasked question. "I'm not a guardian anymore. Another one will take my place and contain my powers. I won't leave in the middle of the night for patrols. Sleeping sounds amazing right now." He patted his solid chest. "Good news. You won't phase through my chest anymore. No more creepy shivers."

Hiroki wiped away the tears from his eyes as he jumped into Nowaki's embrace. Nowaki lost balance, gripping Hiroki tight as they fell back onto the patio. His large frame broke their fall, bringing a grunt out of Nowaki. Hiroki burrowed his face into Nowaki's chest. Letting himself go, Hiroki began sobbing. He touched the physical body of Nowaki, taking precautions not to linger in certain areas.

Nowaki's heart broke at the inconsolable sobs. In his last disappearance, he thought Hiroki forgot about him and moved on. It happened when Hiroki left for his life back in the city. Hiroki worked on his first novel and his focus remained on his work.

A Lingering Touch (Junjou Romantica)Where stories live. Discover now