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Hiroki got out of his rental car as he stared at the old style home. Gripping the strap of his travel bag, he let out a sigh. The ripped and waterlogged talismans had turned somewhat yellow from the last time he spent time in this place. The exterior of the house was worse than he imagined. For a moment, he thought he stopped at the wrong house. Until he saw those ridiculous talismans and he groaned. He scrunched up his face, he wanted to rip those things off of the walls, but it was in the will that he didn't disturb anything left behind in the fine print. Talismans and charms included.

Before he left the city, he made sure that the electricity, gas, and water was turned on at the house before he left Tokyo. Having his new address on hand, he told them all of his new information while he finished packing the last of his possessions in boxes. His books had special care when they were placed in their multiple boxes. The moving company had the option of packaging his belongings, but he wanted to do it himself.

Suddenly, living a distance away from the town didn't sound so bad. Remembering back when he was a child, his grandfather had constant company who probably questioned the abundance of talismans. Living in a small town brought on some superstitions that Hiroki never cared to understand since he never encountered a ghost in his life. His old acquaintances claimed such things, but he knew they pushed it up for attention.

The sad state of the outside disguised the interior of the house. Hiroki knew for a fact that his grandfather wasn't lazy in keeping his floors and his pluming in top shape. He didn't know if he needed to replace some of his grandfather's old appliances before winter came around. Although, he heard from his mother that her brothers sold all of the big furniture so they wouldn't gather dust. Some appliances remained; he might have to replace those outdated models.

Taking his phone from his pocket, he checked his phone and saw no missed calls from anyone. He saw a text from Akihiko. Postponing his answer for later, he assumed it was a question for research. Honestly, Akihiko had the internet, he didn't need to ask him disturbing questions. Such a lazy ass. When his possessions were safely inside of his new home, then he would answer his friend.

Observing the whole surrounding area from his spot near the car, he felt a chill go up his spine.

He didn't know the countryside got so chilly in the autumn. His time in the city sensitized his usual tough skin.

Setting down his travel bag onto the ground, he rubbed his forearms.

The moving truck parked a little bit away from the home and a burly man hopped out of the truck with a map in his hands. Hiroki kept his eyes on him while he stood beside his rental car and waited for him to come to him. After everything was packed inside of the old place, he would go pay his respects to his grandfather.

He didn't think to buy some incense or even flowers to place on his grave when he left Tokyo. The old man probably wouldn't care since some of his old family members still remained in the town so they could put those items on his grave.

The lead man of the moving company walked up to him. "This is the Kannou house, right?" The man inquired as he pocketed his map inside of his pockets.

"Technically, it is now Kamijou but I gave your company my grandfather's surname." Hiroki answered while he crouched down to his travel bag and took out the keys to the property. "I'll open up the place and you can just set the boxes in the living room."

The man nodded his head. "Alright," As he walked away Hiroki heard him grumbling about the unnecessary amount of book the man possessed.

Hiroki rolled his eyes. These men must have carried much heavier things than his books throughout their job. There was no need to complain. He carried all of those boxes in a nice pile so they would know which ones were the heaviest. Despite his lack of exercise, his arms didn't strain one bit.

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