loveletter ྀི

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hii ! thanks for reading this book !
woww i cant believe dah habis dah tulis buku ni and this book is the fastest to completed.

i hope everyone will like this book andddd so sorry cause no sweet moments for beomgyu and violet cause yk thats reality right ? we'll never get our crush except yang lucky person je :( but hey dont be sad ! everything happens for a reason , God knows the best, so just accept and wait for ur true love , okay ?

and actually this is based on my life with my crush. ada some scenes based on apa yang betul-betul jadi :(

i know its related to some of u and i really hope u guys will enjoy it !

again, thanku so much ! see me in another book k ?

everybody, adios !

love , naimi. wednesday , august 2023.

[this part was edited]

violet, beomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now