1.Mafia's love at first sight

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The smell of blood filled the room as the doe eyed man walked towards his partner who was now tied up in the chair.

"Too bad that you got caught so soon" the man with doe eyes said as he let out a sigh of disappointment,"You failed to impress me" he said again.

Just then a man with pale skin came inside the basement room.

"Here, Jungkook," the pale skinned man handed him a glass of water. Jungkook took the glass near his mouth and was about to drink it but stopped as he eyed the man.

"You look tired. Want some water?" he asked the tied up man.

Jungkook brought the glass near the man's face and poured the salt water on the fresh wounds.

"You monster!" he screamed in pain.

"Too bad that you realized it this late" Jungkook said as a matter of fact.

"You think that you're god?!" the tied up man shouted. Jungkook just chuckled as he approached the chair in front of his partner and sat down with a smirk.

"I am god. If I say someone dies, they die that same day" Jungkook eyed Taehyung who nodded his head in response.

"Happy journey, my partner" Jungkook smiles.

"No! No! Please Jungkook! I am your friend! I swear that I won't betray you again" the beaten up man begs for mercy.

"Some people aren't your friends. They're just scared to be your enemy. See you after sixty years maybe" Jungkook smiled one last time as he exited the building.

When he stepped out with Suga, he could hear screams sounding like a soul leaving its body. "As expected from our finest killer," Jungkook said.

(During the ride)

It was almost night time when he could see rain droplets on his window.

Jungkook was looking outside casually but something caught his eyes.

More like someone-You.

Jungkook's pov

I was looking outside the window when someone suddenly attracted me.

This is different. Never in my life have I had such a feeling towards someone. And most importantly a girl.

"Stop the car" I ordered my driver.

"What is it?" Suga asked me but I didn't reply. I was watching her.

I saw her walking towards an area flooded with water. She bent down a little and picked a puppy which was about to drown. She patted its head and started walking towards the bus stop with the puppy in her hand.

I noticed that there was a CCTV camera in the bus stop.

"Hyung, can you hack that camera for me?" I asked Suga hyung and he nodded his head.

He took his laptop and started entering some codes.

And finally he hacked the camera and gave his laptop to me. The CCTV camera had an audio system so it wasn't a problem to understand what she was saying.

(What you were speaking with the puppy in the bus stop)


You kept your umbrella down as you sat on the bench with the puppy in your hands.

"How did you get in there? Don't you know it's dangerous for someone like you to be outside in the rain? Did you get lost? Did someone abuse you? Did you know how to swim? Don't tell me that you do. It's impossible for someone your age to swim. Where are your parents? Oh no! Don't tell me that you were trying to attempt suicide. Why did you make such a decision? I understand that you're depressed. But suicide doesn't end the pain, it only passes the guilt to someone else. You can tell me why, if you-Wait. What am I even talking about?"

You looked down at the puppy to see that it was still soaked by the rain.

"Are you feeling cold?" you remove your jacket and gently put it over the puppy.

"Are you feeling cold?" you remove your jacket and gently put it over the puppy

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(Think that the towel is a jacket)

"Are you feeling warm now?" you questioned as the puppy yelped.

"I'm sorry I didn't study linguistics completely. You think that I'm a fool right? I understand. I believe that I was a mog in my last birth. You know what a mog is? Monkey+Dog=Mog" you laughed."I coined it myself by the way"

"I think that she escaped an asylum" Suga hyung said blankly, only to receive a death glare from me.

(A/n: Still in Jungkook's pov, remember)

Your laughter was cut off by a call.

You attend the call and start speaking "Ne unnie..No, I have not..The files are on my table, you just have to sign it..Me? I'm with a friend" you patted the puppy. After some talks about work you hung up the call.

"Okay that explains she is not mentally ill" Yoongi hyung said.

"That was my boss or more like a friend- Wait! I haven't introduced myself. Okay, let me start" you clear your throat "I'm Y/N. You can call me anything. I'm 22 years old. I love food. Currently working as an intern in my friend's company. I've been single since birth. I never had a romantic partner because I tell people that if I love someone I would want to marry them. I think no one in this world has the guts to do that. And I would rather marry the world's coldest mafia leader who is loyal to me than a person who's acting all lovey-dovey and would cheat on me. And today I'm going to adopt you. You may think that I'm crazy because I'm talking to an animal. No offense. It's just a habit because even animals are living souls. No offense again. And also I talk a lot that someone new may say that I escaped from an asylum. Not their fault. Maybe they are so dumb to say that about me."

Suga's face blanched as I chuckled lightly at her childishness.

"I can have mood swings anytime, anywhere without reasons. So you've to tolerate me. I also have a really smart brain. My IQ is 148. And you know what? That black car across the road has been here since I rescued you."

She really observes a lot.

"Maybe they are trying to kidnap someone. Molla. And you know something else? Black is my favorite color. You know why? Because it is just like me; lonely, numb and dark. Yet, adds beauty to everyone and everything. But is never considered beautiful by the others. Such a cruel world, right?" you look up at the sky to see that it has stopped raining.

"I'm really crazy. C'mon now. Let's go home" you said with a small smile and started walking towards your home with the puppy.

"She sure does talk a lot," Suga hyung said as Y/N started walking away.

"Hyung, do something for me. Collect more information about her. Her house, studies, workplace and everything. And keep a watch on her and make sure she's safe" I told him.

"No one in our gang has ever liked anyone before. We respect all innocent people alike. Why do you want her to be safe, Jungkook? Do you like her?" Hyung asked me.

"No. I don't like her," I turned my head to Suga hyung's side and spoke.

"I love her."

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