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Author's pov

Flashback~ Jaehwa's tenth birthday, 2007 (PS- Exactly at 12 am)

"Happy birthday Jay" you told and Jaehwa smiled.

"Thank you Y/n" she told and side hugged you as you both stared at the night sky with Jennie on her other side.

"What are you kids doing here?" you all heard a worker ask from behind. Turning around, you all saw her walking towards you.

"We were just looking at the stars" you said as you hugged Jaehwa's arm.

"It's late already. Go sleep" she told and you all nodded while looking down.

She left and you stood there for a few seconds.

"I want to stay here" Jaehwa mumbled.

"We'll do one thing" Jennie said.

"Do what?" Jaehwa asked.

"Y/n and I will go in and 'Ms. I don't know her name' will think that you came too" twelve year old Jennie said.

"Then Jay will stay out. Right?" eight year old you asked while grinning proudly.

Jennie nodded and Jaehwa smiled.

"But don't stay out for long. It's cold" Jennie said and Jaehwa nodded.

You and Jennie left the scene as Jennie walked towards the bench in the garden.

Sighing, she sat on the bench and continued counting the stars.

Jaehwa's pov

"Fifteen, sixteen, sixteen, seventeen- Wait" I whimpered as I failed in counting the stars again.

Just then, I heard a chuckle erupting from god knows where.

I turned around and looked everywhere but found no one.

"Is it a ghost?" I asked myself and I felt my legs low-key shaking as I stood up.

"Yes" I heard a voice say.

The voice came from the huge and greenish banyan tree which everyone in the orphanage call 'The Devil's House' because they think that it's haunted.

"W-Who's there?" I tried to ask sternly.

"Your worst nightmare" I heard the deep voice say again.

I walked closer to the tree with my only source of light which was the moon, the stars and a dim lamp from far away.

I placed my hand on the wood as I bit my lower lip.

"Above you" the voice said again and I looked up with cat eyes.

"What are you doing there?" I asked as I saw the new boy who arrived last week, sitting on the tree's bark.

"Breathing" he said and I pouted.

"Want to come here?" he asked and I nodded.

I tried climbing up and he stretched down his hand for me.

Taking his hand, I felt something weird in my stomach.

Shrugging it off, I concentrated on the new boy who pulled me up slowly.

He held my waist for support and pulled me up to the bark.

He had his legs dangling on either side of the bark as I left mine swinging on one side.

He had his back leaned against the tree as he kept staring at the sky.

"What's your name?" I asked while staring at his face.

He looked at me and then replied bluntly, "Minho".

"Minho" I repeated his name and nodded to myself. "I'm Jaehwa" I said and smiled while stretching my hand for a shake.

He looked at my hand blankly. I wanted to pull back my hand to not be embarrassed. But he took my hand and shook it before I could pull it back.

I smiled and looked at the stars again.

"It's my tenth birthday today" I said and looked at my side to Minho.

"It's my eleventh birthday today" Minho said and I smiled cheerfully once again.

"Happy birthday" I said and ruffled his hair.

"You too" he said and I kept on smiling.

"Did your friends wish you?" I asked and he shook his head blankly again as he stared at the sky.

"I don't have any friends" he said and my mouth performed an 'o'.

We just sat there in silence, staring at the beautiful night sky for a few minutes until I heard him speak.

"Like a river flowing surely to the sea, this is how I find myself falling in love with you, I don't know if it is a sin but I can't just stop committing this offense. And if love is a sin, I'm ready to become a sinner for you" he said and I stared at him.

"What does that mean?" I asked innocently while blinking.

He looked at me and spoke, "That's what the hyung said to the noona in the movie".

"Oh" I said and nodded. "What did they do after that?" I asked as I didn't even know what he meant from the dialogue he said earlier.

"They kissed" he said and stared at the sky blankly again.

I nodded, "Why did they kiss?" I asked as I kept looking at him.

His face was shining under the light of the moon and stars, his doe eyes and soft lips.

"Because they got married to have kids and grow old together, forever" he said as he was still staring at the sky.

I nodded in slight understanding but-

"How did they kiss when they got married?" I asked as I really didn't know.

He faced straight to look at me and suddenly wrapped an arm around my waist.

Pulling me to him, he leaned his face closer to mine as my side collided with his front.

I still kept my head turned to the right to look at his face.

"Like this" he said and leaned more closer until his lips touched mine.

He moved his lips against mine as I blinked my eyes for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. And not knowing what it is.

Remembering the dramas the unnies watch, I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes like how Minho did.

I did the same as I moved my lips along with his.

Feeling his hand gripping my waist protectively, I gripped his hair with one hand and his shirt in the other as he cupped my cheek with his free hand.

Minutes passed and we pulled out of the kiss, ending with a sweet sound.

My lips parted slightly like his from the sudden incident.

His hand was cupping the back of my head, the other hand still on my waist as I rested my hands on his shoulders.

We stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes until he pulled my head to his chest.

Heat rushed up to my cheeks as I tried to control my smile while biting my lower lip.

I laid my head on his chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist and he did the same by wrapping his arms around my figure.

Continuing to hear his heartbeat and inhaling his scent, I smiled as I could still feel the taste of his lips on my own.

She always knew what Love meant. Thanks to her childhood sweetheart.

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