41.Dusk to dawn

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Author's pov

It had been a week since Minho left the orphanage.

No one knows his real identity. People think that Minho is just another orphan.

But the truth is, his father discreetly changes the orphanage where Minho would stay in, monthly or maybe two months once.

So that, even if someone figures out that Minhyuk is not his real son, Minho could be safe because of constant location change. And Minho knows about this.

'When everything is perfect'

He meant by the line that when he's finally grown up and able to live without hiding from anyone, he'd come back for his Love.

Jaehwa was a crying mess after Minho left.

She'd go and sit on the same tree branch every day and night until Jennie and Y/n convince her to come in.

It was like she lost herself.

One of the sponsors of the orphanage, organized an event so that he could have lunch with the kids there.

As he finished his lunch, he took out his wallet to give a man his business card.

When he did, he did not notice the $3 notes which fell down and kept walking to the gate.

You noticed the money on the floor and picked it. So did Jennie and Jaehwa.

"He dropped it" Jaehwa said, pointing to the man and you all looked at him who was walking towards the gate.

"Mister" you shouted as you three started running towards him.

Hearing someone shouting, he turned back to see you three girls running towards him.

He stood there as you three reached him and panted for air.

"You dropped this" you said and stretched out his dollar bills.

He looked at the money and then at you three.

"Why didn't you have it with yourself?" he asked. Because, when someone finds money abandoned, they have it with themselves. At least, that's what he has seen all this time.

"It's yours" Jaehwa said.

"We cannot have others things without their permission" Jennie said and the man was impressed.

Kneeling down to your height, he got his money and patted each of your heads before leaving the orphanage.

Two days later~

"Why did you adopt us?" Jennie asked as you three sat on the couch in the living room.

"Because you three impressed me with your honesty" he said and the maid handed each of you a glass of juice.

"Do you think that bad people deserve punishment?" he asked as he sat down on the bigger couch.

"Yes" you three said in unison and he smiled.

"Do you want to be the one to punish them?" he asked.

"But isn't it bad to hurt people" you asked him innocently.

"It is not bad to hurt people who do that to good people" he said and leaned forward a bit as he rested his palms on his knees.

"You would save thousands of innocent lives, even if you kill just one bad person" he said as he looked at you three who were taking in everything he said.

"So, do you wanna save good people?" he asked and you three nodded.

"Minho oppa" Jaehwa mumbled to herself, but the man managed to hear it.

"Jennie and Y/n told me, Jaehwa" he said. "Don't worry. We'll find him too" he assured, not knowing who Minho really is. And Jaehwa nodded.

"Mister, what's your name?" Jennie asked and he smiled.

"Jaeyong" he said. "Lee Jaeyong" he finished with the same smile and you all smiled back too.

Major time skip to a few nights before Jaehwa died~

"What is it?" Jennie asked as she sat on the couch in Jaehwa's room.

"Do you both still remember Minho?" she asked with a tint of pink in her cheeks and you nodded along with Jennie as you took your place on the edge of her bed.

"Did you find him?" you asked and she shook her hand.

"Not exactly" she mumbled. "But, do you know this technology where you can draw a person or insert their photo and find out about how they'd look when they grow up?" she asked a long question and you and Jennie nodded again.

"So, I drew a picture of Minho oppa when he was a kid" she said and you both looked at her, not totally convinced. "Yah! Don't look at me like that. You both know that I'm good at drawing" she snapped and you chuckled.

"Yes" you agreed. " I remember how you drew yourself" you said as you took out your mobile phone and showed a picture she drew.

"I drew a baby gorilla, not myself," Jaehwa said and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, tell me about that techie thing now," Jennie said.

"I did it and Minho, may or may not look like this" Jaehwa said and showed her laptop screen to you both.

"The face looks the same. He may look like this" Jennie said.

Jaehwa smiled thinking that maybe, after waiting from dusk to dawn for years, she'd find the one who was the first to call her 'Love'.

And that is why Jennie mumbled Minho's name when Namjoon showed her the picture of Choi Minsik's son.

The faces in the picture Jaehwa showed, and the one Namjoon showed, were exactly the same.

You and Jennie had no doubt because, you've seen along with Jaehwa that Minho has a scar above his left eyebrow.

The scar which you three knew he got even before he met Jaehwa.

And the same scar could be seen in the picture Namjoon showed you. The same size, in the exact same place.

Who would've thought that the Chois' only heir would be Jaehwa's childhood sweetheart?

Your knife, my back. My gun, your head.

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