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Author's pov

One of the best things in your mornings- Waking up and seeing Jungkook right next to you.

Another one of the best things in your mornings- Those three cute little muffins being the human barriers between you and Jungkook.

"Eomma" your five year-old daughter called and you looked at her.

"Good morning, Jaehwa" you said with a smile and kissed her cheek.

She giggled and kissed your cheek too.

"What is it?" you asked and she started playing with your hair.

"Minho oppa kissed me" she confessed.

"He- What?!" the others beside Jaehwa exclaimed in unison.

Except for Eunwoo who stuttered to continue, "H-He w-what?" Eunwoo asked.

"How dare he kiss my daughter?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Yes appa. How dare he kiss my noona?!" three year old Jeongsan exclaimed.

He's overprotective of his noona.

"W-Why d-did he k-kiss y-you, n-noona?" Eunwoo asked.

"He kissed my hand because I kissed his lips first" the little girl said and Jungkook tried getting up from the bed.

"Aigoo, Jungkook, stop acting like every man on this world is behind your daughter" you said and shook your head.

"Yes, they're all after my beautiful daughter. I should go tell Taehyung and Jennie to keep their son in control. How can he kiss my princess' hand when he is three months younger than her" he stated like the protective father he is.

"Didn't you hear her completely? She said that he kissed her hand because she kissed his lips first" you laughed a little at the end.

And finally, Jungkook just stayed on the bed.

"A-Appa, t-the h-hyungs in s-school t-tell t-that I-I'm s-t-utter-ing-" before Eunwoo could finish, Jeongsan burst out.

"They what?! How dare they tell that about my little brother?! Don't they know who you are? You're the dongsaeng of Jeon Jeongsan!" he said and hugged his brother.

While Jaehwa joined the duo too.

You and Jungkook just watched your kids as they group hugged each other with a little smile.

Jaehwa was named after Jaehwa herself. She even has the same personality as Kang Jaehwa.

Minho is Taehyung and Jennie's son who is three months younger than Jaehwa. Though, Jaehwa calls him oppa and Minho calls her noona.

Minho is always the shy type when it comes to Jaehwa alone.

They both can't leave each other. Just like how, ninteen years ago, eleven year old Minho and ten year old Jaehwa were.

Jeongsan and Eunwoo are three years old. Eunwoo is an hour younger than Jeongsan and calls him hyung.

Eunwoo was named after that little boy you gave a lollipop to during the Han River incident. He has had the problem of stuttering since the time he started to talk. Which is why he's the silent type.

But Jeongsan is the chaotic and cheerful type who's very overprotective of his little twin brother.

It has been five years. But no one else in Bangtan, except for Jungkook and Taehyung, are married. The others are more like married to their work.

About you and Jungkook, the love between you both kept growing more and more.

Everyday when you look at each other, Jungkook still feels butterflies inside him, like how he felt when he saw you for the first time in that bus stop.

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