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Three months, two weeks. That's how long it had been since Astraea had been poisoned. A lot had happened since that wretched day. That day Mary Queen of Scots had run away with king Henry's bastard son, Sabastian. They returned two weeks later only for Mary to stake a claim that she'll only marry Sabastian. King Henry hungry for England's throne approved the notion for legitimizing Bash.

Once the notion was passed Catherine had pursued Francis to leave the palace and run away. Francis had refused to leave Astraea's side who had gotten worse in the two weeks. Her siblings were trying their best to make sure Elliot didn't see Astraea and Francis couldn't argue with it. Even he couldn't see her like that he could only imagine what it would feel like seeing the girl who had basically been Elliot's mother since birth.

When Francis did listen to his mother, he made her promise that she would write him if there was any progress of regress in Astraea's condition. Catherine agreed with him without any question she only wanted to make sure he was safe at the moment and seeing that Bash was getting legitimize Francis was not safe inside the castle walls.

For the past three months, Francis had roamed all over France, trying to keep a low profile, hiding from anyone who could recognise him. His mother did send him letters through her trusted guards who somehow always knew where the young prince was. According the letters, Astraea was back to being stable, no progress, she was still unconscious and the last letter he had received a week ago said that the tips of her fingers were turning black.

All Francis could do was wait for his mother to tell him that the antidote she and Nostradamus were working on was ready. Almost in every letter the first thing he searched who the word antidote. Till date none of them had even mentioned the single thing that could save the girl he loved.

One specific day, when the Dauphin of France was in Paris, he came across a familiar face, Lola, one of Mary's ladies. She seemed to be in some kind of trouble. As much as Francis despised Mary at the moment, for taking his kingdom away from him, for making him leave Astraea alone in the castle, he couldn't just walk away seeing someone in trouble.

Francis told one of his men to make a deal on his behalf with the owner, Maurice. When the man was unable to negotiate with the owner, the blond prince had no choice but to make himself known.

"Four times, then." He spoke doubling the offer his men offered Maurice. He walked in front of him. "Surely the owner of the celebrated Burgendy House is not afraid of a simple wager? One cut of the cards."

Maurice relentingly pointed at Francis. "One cut of the cards." He walked to the nearest table as Francis and Lola exchanged a look. They too followed the man to the table. "Four times the debt, plus the girl if I win."

"And if I win," Francis said leaning on the table and silently glaring at Maurice. "The debt is forgiven and the girl is mine."

Maurice only smirked and took a deck of card to play a round. After seeing that he had pulled a bad card and lost the wager Francis doubled the debt again, losing once more, he doubled the debt one last time finally winning the wager with a King of Hearts again an Ace of Spades.

Maurice let out a defeated sigh. "Well played."

"Luck of the draw." Francis smirked before looking over to Lola. "Shall we retire to my room, my lady?" he grabbed Lola's arm and started to leave only to be stopped by Maurice.

"Wait." He called making Lola and Francis turn towards him. "You look familiar. Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

Francis sent a panicked look at him for a second before smirking again. "I'm told I look like the Dauphin of France. Only taller."

A Chance at Love - Francis ValoisWhere stories live. Discover now