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Tighnair is not well experienced when it comes to acts of romance but he still try's his best.

Sometimes he may come off as uncomfortable or dense but he's not, he just doesn't know what to say so how does he say that to his boyfriend. the book and moves aren't working as much as he needs them to.

"Hey nari"
A voice can be heard but Tighnair was to zoned out to pay any mind.

The voice yelled that spooked tighnair

"Oh yes cyno?"
Said Tighnair, tilting his head to the side

"I ask you if you wanted to help me and collei with the garden?"
Cyno asked he was confused was tighnair mad or stressed about something

"Oh sure I will be glad to help"
Said tighnari with a smile plastered on his face

"Ummm tighnari"
Cyno said in a nervous tone trying to not make eye contact
Responses tighnair

"You know you can tell me when something is bothering you or someone that's what I'm here for love"
Said cyno now looking tighnair in the eyes with a expression of love and concern
"Im not stress at all what are you talk about really don't worry about it I'm fine"
Said tighnair blush at the fact he called him love

Cyno nodes and makes his way to help collei looking back making sure tighnair was coming

As tighnair made his way out to see what collei and cyno needed help with but it was just simple gardening work  so it wouldn't be that hard

After helping them plant and water nee flowers and crops, they all went in said to get a glass of water or juice

"No collei don't that your going to get stuck again"
Said cyno as he ran over to collei who once again trying to see if they can fit their hand in a jar

"What its a bigger jar so I might not get stuck" they said with and continues to try to fit their hands in the jar

"Tighnair their stuck again!"
Yelled cyno all though it not like tighnair didn't already hear

"I'm already on it give me your hands collei"
Said tighnair with a bored expression on his face

It wasn't the first time collei has tried to do some dumb stuff out of Curiosity

"And there now don't do it again or I'm cutting the hands off"
Said tighnair sounding a little annoyed

"Ok master tighnair sorry but I wanted to see"
Said collei with their head down

"I'm going in my room" said tighnair with a tired expression on his face

"Wait for me nari!" Yelled cyno running after him

"Why did you come all I'm doing is sleeping"
Asked tighnari confused

"Oh well I wanted to cuddle you" said cyno blushing try not to make eye contact

Tighnair face got red from what he heard what cyno had said

"I'm mean like if you want to I don't want to make you uncomfortable-"
He was cut off my tighnair hugging him

"I would like to umm cuddle you too cyno" said tighnair try to hide his face out of embarrassment

As the both laid down in each other's arms and drifted off to sleep

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