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Tighnari pov

Ok you go this tighnari just kiss him he is your boyfriend you got this

"I don't got this" I said as I pasted around my room we have a date soon tomorrow is the last day then after it the date but what do I wear what do I say

I have read I have watched so much romance but I don't know how to be romantic like how can one walk up to another and kiss and and tell them they love them!?

Just one more day then I can do this just kiss him ok I can't do this oh my god what if I'm bad at it what-

My thoughts were cut off when I heard my name be called

"Yes!" I yell back

"Come here please!"
Cyno called I wonder what he wants

As I ran down the to see what he need I was happy to see him it's not like I don't see him ever day but I can't help but want to cuddle him but I don't know how to.

"I'm here-" I was pulled into a hug by him I was shocked but hugged back I can feel my tail start to wag

"See I told you he likes my hugs!" I heard cyno yell I was confused was my hugging bad or was he hugging to prove something am I took clingy

I feel my ears lay flat on my head before I feel a pat on my head from cyno

"They said you didn't like my hugs and I also really wanted to hug you"
He said he wanted to hug me I feel my ears point straight up and my tail wag I was really happy

"Wow what's go you all happy nari"
Cyno said giggling

"You" I said with a red face looking away

"Oh really that's sweet" he said lifting my chin so I was looking at him

"Cyno I like you" I said out of the blue hiding my face

"Oh I love you to nari~"
He said I'm a smooth tone and oh my god did I want to kiss him but just as I was about to live someone called him

"Cyno come help flit this" a man said who looks to moving some fire wood

"Coming!" Cyno says and then turns to me

"Got to go nari but I will be back" he says as he place his forehead on to mine

It was like his way of kissing me!? In stead of a kiss when going he places his forehead against mine and closes his eyes for a moment I isn't that like a kiss!?

"Nari I have to go I will hug you late ok"he said I didn't notice I was still holding oh

I didn't want to let go I I feel myself press my body on to his more and hid in his neck

I don't know if my movement were romantic but I seen couples do that so I just I'm not so much of a goner when it comes to romance right?

"Tighnari what will I have to do so I can help them"
He said like he was willing to make a deal with me

"Hold me and tell me how much you like me"
I said the first thing that came to mind that's something romantic to say right I got this

"Actually no I want you ——"
I whisper in his ear and pull myself closer to his face

"I-I wow ok nari you got some balls"
He says and moves his hand to my waist I couldn't help but blush I seen couples do it so wanted to see how if felt and I like it cyno has only hugged my stomach he never went lower

"Why do you want to hold you by your waist"
He asked

I answered quickly then turning red

"Ok but I have to go love I will be back"
He said as he let go and I let go as well

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