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Today was the day tighnari was going to make a move on cyno he had read a book about whys to flirt and also seen some shows with kissing scenes

They plan was to surprise cyno with a kiss on the cheek when he didn't expect it all tighnari had to do was ponce at the right time

"Hey cyno-" tighnari was cut off will a spoon full of food

"Try this nari" cyno said with a determined face

"It's good said tighnari" with a mouth full of soup

"Good wait" cyno paused picked up a napkin and got off so soup running from tighnaris mouth

"Umm you had some soup-" but be for he can finish tighnari had ran off to the room

After a while tighnari heard a knock on the door with a grumbling like noise that came from tighnari he got up and open the door to see,cyno with a dad look?

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable"cyno said bowing his head

Tighnari didn't know what to do he could feel his face heat up from embarrassment from being miss understood

"No I wasn't uncomfortable I was embarrassed for making a mess"
Tighnari blurt out with out thinking I mean he did said something right?, right...

"I wouldn't mind if you touched my face I actually like it" tighnari said with a red face at this point he was try not to say anything wrong

He stopped his rambling when he heard a giggle
And look to see cyno giggling!? And man was he so cute

"Oh nari you are so cute"cyno said blushing and laughing still from how cute his boyfriend was being

"Umm you don't make me uncomfortable cyno I really like you!"
Tighnari said hiding his face

"Oh nari I'm sorry but you look so cute like this" cyno said lifting up tighnaris chin

And he brought both for there foreheads together and enjoy the presents of his lover

All tighnari has to do is kiss him now,now was his chance but what if he was bad a kissing he has never kissed anyone before I mean this is his first relationship

I mean how can you get with someone with out being romantic in anyway I mean you confused so why is it so hard to kiss them an say I love you then to say I like you

"Tighnari I like you too a lot" cyno said breaking the silence

Tighnari tail started wagging out of happiness he didn't know how to stop it all he wanted to do was hug him

"And I didn't know you were in to romance maybe we can go to the movies watch one" cyno said it almost sound like he wanted to go on a date

Tighnari back up with his hand on his mouth and red in the face he was internally screaming cyno seen him watching romance and he want to have a movie date!?

"Umm tighnari?" Cyno said

"Is that like a date or a hang out!?" Tighnari started to rambling again

"No it's a date silly I can't take my boyfriend out now?"
Cyno said poking at tighnari

"But dates are we're they kiss and hold hands and flirt and-and"
Tighnari was broken he didn't know what to say

"Nari calm down its obviously you aren't ready for that that's why I give you space don't worry I want do anything to make you uncomfortable we can just watch the movie ok"
Cyno said trying to calm dont the fox boy

"But I-I umm never yes I would like to go on a date"
Tighnari said calming down

"Tighnari I would never move to fast in a relationship I just want to comfort you we are together so calm down ok"
Cyno said hoping his lover would calm down

"Ok I like you cyno" tighnari say putting his face cynos neck

"I love you too"
Cyno said he knew what tighnari ment and he is willing to wait

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