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Collei's pov

I hate when I have to see tighnari flirt it made my eyes burn after my mistake of ask other people for help I just let him go solo

He only held hands with cyno and talked about how cute he thought he was kinda cheese to me

We were supposed to go out as a family to day but tighnari had other plans and by that I mean try to flirt with cyno

"When are we going to go"
I say I wanted to go and have fun

"In 30 minutes"
I hear cyno yell

Time skip~

Tighnari pov

I wasn't good at flirting but I think it's working cyno turns read when I complete him so I think that's flirting

"Nari collei asked you if they can go hang with the kids over there"

Cyno point to kids waving at collei

"Yeah they can go but if they are mean to them I beating them up"
I say not trusting the kids with collei

"I'll be fine they aren't mean I seen them before but I shall be off"
Collei said they aren't social but they aren't a social butterfly ether it's like if you talk to me I'll talk to you type thing

"Cyno why did you choose the park to go to?"
I ask I want to know why

"It's pretty you and collei like the outdoors and picnics are fun"
He said

"Oh ok well I like it"
I say with a smile on my face

"Can I kiss you nari"
Cyno asked I don't know why he asked but I guess it was a nice gesture

Before I know it soft lips were on mine I liked when we kissed it was the best oh and when we cuddle and hold hands everything with him I loved

I hear him mumble my name then go back for a other kiss

"I love you so much"
He said as he started to kiss my face

"I like you too cyno a lot really"
I say I didn't know how to tell him I loved him he can tell it to me but he has dated before so why is so hard to say it back

"No I love umm I umm"
He stopped me before I can finish

"Please don't push your self I know you love me I'm fine with waiting"
He said with love in is eyes oh his amber eyes they made me fall deeper than expected

"No cyno you don't get it I want to say it so let me please"
I say looking away with a red face

"Ok fine say it say that you love me nari"
He said lifting my chin so I was looking at him

"I like you cyno so much but I don't know why it's so hard please help me"
I wanted to cry I still couldn't say it

"Nari I can't help you say I love you because I know you do it's just hard to express it"

"But I want to say it cyno you need to know that I don't just like you but really really care for you"

"Nari I'm with waiting"
He was so persistent with saying he fine with waiting I hate it

"Ok but please kiss me"

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