9 final

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Today was the day I told him the day I day I love you to cyno
Tighanri thought to himself he ready you just knows it

Today was a date night so it was perfect

He we're going to have a walk in the woods then we were going to end it off having a picnic and flower picking

He was so excited

"Are you ready love"
Cyno said smiling he just hoped everything was going to go well

Time skip

We had made it to the woods and we started are stroll I was lovely getting to talk to him and hold his hand it was the best
Cyno looked really nervous though I don't know why was it something I said

It was getting harder to act like I didn't notice his nervous state

"Cyno are you ok you look nervous"
I say I didn't want it to come off rude so a tried to make it seem soft

"So you noticed well might as well tell you"
Cyno said I was so confused

"I umm I got called in for a job so I might have to go on a trip soon"
Cyno said it was like everything stopped Cyno trips always were months sometimes rarely a year!?

Is that why he wanted everything to go well because he was going to leave soon

"And I know I told you I will try to lower my working time but this might take up to six months"

I was so hurt he was leaving again I didn't want to wait but he needed to I was just being selfish sometimes you have to let go but he was going to be back

"Ok I will wait just how you wait for me Cyno"
I say I fell my eyes started to water and my ears drop low

I didn't know why I was crying it was normal I was a forest ranger and when I get caught up with work he waits so why is it so hard for me to wait I didn't want to wait

I cut him off with a hug

"I don't care if I don't want to wait I will wait because it's only fare"
I say as I feel tears run down my face I look up to see him crying it pains me to see him cry so I'm only felt to wonder how he felt

"How long did you get this information"
I say straight forward

"Just yesterday it was late at night"
Cyno said but I can hear the lies he said

"Please be honest with me"
I said I wanted to know when

"Ok about two weeks ago but I wanted to make the most of it and time was starting to fly past and when I noticed the date I knew I had to tell you and-"

I cut him off again with a kiss it wasn't like the others it was just like are first kiss soft yes passionate smooth and warm

"I love you Cyno and I swear to the dendro archon if you get hurt out there"

I see Cyno smile But soon started to cry

"Why are you crying"
I say I wanted to know

"You said you loved me I knew you loved me but you said it"
Cyno said he was still smiling

"I did?"
I didn't know I said it I just felt like saying I like you but more passionate when I said I liked you I ment I love you but I said the word and it was so new

"Yes nari you did but we should really have are picnic before the sun goes away"

Time skip

To night was are last night in each other arms I didn't want it to end but it had to I feel my self drift off to sleep in his arms

Cynos pov

Tighnari had fell asleep and I feel myself drift off

Cynos dream

"I'm sorry I did mean to upset you I will do better I swear I'm sorry love please don't leave me"
I yelled at him he can't leave me I tried my best I didn't talk to other men I stopped talking to my friends I pleased him when he wanted it

"You useless fool I never loved why can't you see that this wasn't love Cyno dear maybe you are just so hoe I felt bad for"

I'm not a hoe i did what you told me why am I being called mean things I listen to keep you with me

Even when I was tired I let you do anything to me why am I being yelled at my am I being left behind

"I did what I was told to I listened to you"
I yelled I was crying over him he did nothing for me but use me and I thought it was love

All I wanted was love why can't he hold me like he said he would

I tried to reach for him but he walked out the door

I ran out the door to see tighnari standing with open arms nari wanted me and that's all I needed are little family collei and tighanri is all I needed

Dream over

I lifted up from the bed it was time to go it was time for a long trip I wake up tighanri and kiss him goodbye and hug collei and tell her how much I loved her and tighanri

I gave them both kisses on the head and went off

Nair please wait for me like you said

After all we are boyfriends

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