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Collei's pov

Tighnari and cyno have gotten to the kissing stage but tighanri still seems nervous to make moves

So I discuss the issue with a friend of mine and she said she can help spice up their life and boy was I happy

Finally I don't need to try to comfort tighnari when he want to hold his hand

I don't know why he is so shy I mean it is his first relationship but getting flustered when he did no wrong is kinda silly of him

She was supposed to be here but I haven't seen her,her and her girlfriend were supposed to be here I needed this

"Hiii collei!"
She yelled with happiness

"Hey nilou!"
I said I was happy to see her

"Sup now where are these love sick fucks"
Ugh I hated dehya wasn't really romantic her self but she has had many girlfriends

"Language and why is she here niluo she has no romance in her life"
I said I was so sure that dehya is just here to be here

"Well dehya has romantic attraction just not all the time so she's not the best at it"
Where was niluo going with this I am confused

"So we think that your friend might be the same with her"
Niluo said I guess it made sense now they think tighnari doesn't always feel romance what it that was it!

"Collei come help me with this!"
I hear tighnari say he has been try to do more stuff around the house

"Wait come here real quick please"
I say I wanted him to see his helpers

"I'm here oh hii collei what are their names"
He said he wasn't the best at meeting new people

"This is dehya and niluo they are going to help your relationship"
I say with a cheerful tone

"Ack am I that bad I'm try ok"
I hear tighnari say I understand how determined he was to be romantic

"Ok one question do you always feel romantic attention when you are with this partner or yours?"
Dehya asked she always jump everything and ask the most uncomfortable questions

"Yes why? Do you think I don't like him!?"
Tigjnari panic he loved cyno but he still couldn't say he loved him it's funny

"Wait so you like this person or are y'all dating like love"
Niluo say confused

"Yes I like thy them and we are dating"
Tighnari said

"How long?"
Dehya asked

"Umm I don't know we been on dates before but he never told me they were dates to save me the embedment"
Tighnari say it was true cyno always said they were hanging out but he was actually talking him out

"Nari! I'm back"
Cyno yelled he was back after help around town

"Cyno help!?"
Tighnari said he seemed flustered or confused about something

"They are these people and they ask weird questions"
Tighanri said he was funny

"Oh umm hi I think he's a little uncomfortable so if you are doing something he doesn't like please stop"
Cyno says he hated when when people made me or tighnari uncomfortable

"I'm sorry they ask us to help your boyfriend out"
Niluo rated me out

"Collei what does tighnari need help with?"
Cyno said he was confused

"He needs help-"
I stopped when I seen how uncomfortable tighnari looked
"That's none of your business at the moment"
I say typing to end it there

"But-ok I get it umm nari imma head to the room you coming?"
Cyno asked he seemed shocked to the fact that I told off I didn't mean to sound rude it's just I seen tighnari and he looked like he was going to pass out

"Umm collei come here"
Tighnari said

"Listen I'm sorry-"
I was cut off

"Didn't you tell him now he might think he did something wrong or maybe he thinks your mad at him Im so sorry collei"
He started to ramble

"Master tighanri you really are something I didn't say anything because you looked uncomfortable so I didn't want you to have a panic attack"
I say my words were true

"Thanks but I wasn't uncomfortable I just got really shy because I don't know to you know tell him"
He said hiding his face in his hands with he ears drooping forward
"Fine then I will tell him for you"
I say
I stated to make my way to the room when I made to the door I did two knocks and warned that I was coming in

"Tighnari loves you but doesn't know how to say it and he really want to have another and want to marry you some day!"
I said like a child that really wanted it's parent to date someone

"Collei not like that!?"
Tighnari said red  in the face

Cyno pov

He just outed him and he wants to marry me one day!?

Me but why I'm just Cyno does he love me that much

"Collei can you give us some time to talk"
I say to them

"Ok I'm going to talk to dehya"
They said and ran out the room

"Nari do you like me that much?"
I say wanting to make sure

"Yes I like you a lot Cyno"
He said

"I love you to nari"

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