New year's special

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This is a news year's special sense I didn't do Christmas

I got a note from Cyno saying how much he missed us and sorry if the presents he sent came late but it was still sweet of him

I would write him back telling him how much we miss him and hope he comes home soon

I wanted to run up and hug him I feel like I'm being to clingy in my notes

I mean he tells me he can't wait to hug me again yet I still feel if I say the same thing he would get tired of me

I have collei to comfort me when I overthink it to much but still know that he's far some where what if he meets someone new I mean I trust him but you can't control if you fall in love with someone

I don't know what to do I want to tell him to come home this instant but then that's just me being mean and controlling

"Father everything is going to be ok and you got a letter I have one my self so go on read it"

I nod


Collei has told me about your worries no need for them love I love you and only you and I hope you have a great new years and I will have more gifts coming soon and I would like to hug too so don't worry to much

Remember tell me your worries even if I'm far just know my love is always with you

-love cyno

Oh my god they told him I feel my face go red and I look up at them

"Collei you told him?!"

"Well why not it's hard seeing you worry"
I nod and walk up towards them

"Can I umm hug you are is it to much"
I asked it was awkward sense collei is not good when it comes to touch

"Yes only because it's new years ok"
I smile and hug them

They hug back giggling

I can't wait to see him again then the whole family is here

Sorry it's short but yeah and it's kinda rushed sorry

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