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Cyno pov

Today is the date what do I say so he feels comfortable on the date I been on a date before both platonic and romantic but tighnari likes to take it slow that's what I like about him but what do I say or do

The day before Yesterday he wanted me to get more Touching whit him and I was shocked my nari wanted to be touched more!?

He's not one to like that much affection but it's weird we are dating yet me don't make moves on each other and yesterday he wanted cuddle all day I mean cuddling normal but all day was new I couldn't help but get red when he asked

"Umm cyno what do I wear for a date?" I heard nari say in a low tone he was shy and he blushing man was he cute all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him how pretty he is

"Oh god I love you nari" I said giggling he looked confused then I noticed I said it out loud

"Umm I like you too cyno a lot" he said looking away

"I didn't mean to say that out loud I umm it's not that I don't love you I umm"

I was a red mess why was I red it's not like I haven't said I love you before

"You are so silly cyno but enough with that what do I wear?"

"Umm what ever you like nari I going in"
I say still nervous

He said and he always does this thing we're it's like he's running but he's hopping with joy and it's funny sometimes

Time skip~

"Ok what romantic moves do you like?" I ask I seen him watch romance a lot

"Ummm I don't know let's watch the newest one"
Tighnari said

I said he got nervous when I ask did I say something wrong?

Went and took are seats so far it was strange romance they were just like us me don't show much affection and they didn't ether

I was enjoying the movie then I felt a hand on mine I looked down to see tighnari hand on top of mine his hand was shaking? I look at him but he was looking at the movie but he was sweating like he just got done doing a work out

I felt his hand get lighter on mine like he was going to let go

And without thinking I grabbed his and intertwined are hands I look at his face for a sigh of discomfort but he was red? So I guess flustered

Time skip

We finished watching the movie and he was acting weird he kept sweating like he had something to say

"Umm nari?"
I asked breaking the silence I was worried

"Oh yeah?"
He asked but he kept looking away from me

"Are you ok?" I asked he seem nervous

"Ummm I umm"
He started to talk fast so he wants to ask me something

"Tell me what you want I not going to be mad"
I say trying to comfort him

Before I knew it his lips were on mine it was out of the blue they were so soft I started to kiss back

And when we broke apart he was a red mess

"Cyno I like you a lot!"
He said he was so cute

"I love you too tighnari but why kiss me out the blue"
I ask?

"Because I like you a lot and I want to show you love without you being uncomfortable"
He said he was dense but I love him for it

"Baby you show me love what are you talking about?" I was confused on that part

"No I don't I can't even say I love you right and it's so hard for me to kiss even though I want to"
He said he looked like he wanted to cry

"That's because I'm your first it's going to be scary and it's going to make you think you cant do it but you can nari"
I say I wanted to hug him so bad

"Oh cyno I really want to kiss you"
He said with a red face

I started to move in slowly and making sure if he really wanted to kiss me he gave me a nod yes and before I knew it are lips touched

It felt so good his lips were so soft I wanted more I started to move my hands on to his waist and moved him close

I felt so good but then I heard a light moan it had came from tighnari!? Maybe I should stop this is moving to fast for him

As I pulled away I hear him lightly gasp for air

"I'm sorry I was moving to fast and-"

I was cut off my lips? He kissed me again!?

He pulled away and looked me in the eyes

"I really liked it cyno a lot"

I started to push him against the bed and kiss his forehead both of his cheeks his nose his lips

I said I couldn't stop complementing him I was so in love

"Cyno please kiss me more"

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