12. Cute

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After the incident and what happend in the clinic, the two went home and they acted like both don't exists and went on their separate rooms to do their own thing.

It was dinner time when Win decided to go out of his room and help Auntie Mae prepare their meal.

Auntie Mae noticed the gloominess on his face, pouting and deeply sighing every second while slowly wiping each of the plates on the table.

"Darling" Auntie Mae called.

Win look at her with a sad and pouty lips.

At this moment, It seems like Auntie Mae already know the reason so she puts down ladle and hug Win.

"It's okay, I'll be your tutor. Is that okay?" Win only looked at her and whined again.


"Whaat! You know I was the smartest kid in our class when I was in kindergarten!" She said with a proud face.

"Aunty, what should I doooo" He sat down.

Aunty Mae deeply thought of what she can do to help Win.

"Hmmm, the picture didn't work out....AHA!" She shouted that made Win look up to her and smile.

"What is it-" Win was stopped by a voice who came down from the stairs.

"What's the food today?" Bright enter with his hands in his pockets. He didnt spare Win a glance and went straight to the stove and opened the casserole.

"A-ah you wait later okay?" Aunty whispered to Win and gave him a huge grin.

Aunty Mae attended Bright who asked her few questions before finally settling a seat infront of Win.

Win only rolled his eyes at him after their eyes met. While Bright who reached for the newspaper, decided to read it and ignores the pouty person infront of him.

Win's room

"AURGHHH WHAT THE HECK IS THIS STUPID QUESTION?!" He tossed the pencil he was holding and screamed while grabing his own thick hair

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"AURGHHH WHAT THE HECK IS THIS STUPID QUESTION?!" He tossed the pencil he was holding and screamed while grabing his own thick hair.

It's been an hour and he still havent got the right answer to the first question of the math problem, FIRST QUESTION!

After the dinner, he went straight to his room and decided to finally focus on reviewing for the upcoming exam on his own. He told to himself that he will prove to him that he can pass the exam without the help of that bastard, Bright.

But seems like Win already regret his decision to study on his own. He is sucks in comprehension and logic, so that did not help with the first subject he decided to study, MATH.

"This is useless! Why can't that bastard be kind and be helpful just for a day!"

He mumbled while his face is buried on the open math book infront of him.

After a few seconds of crying and whining, he heard a knock and a door opening. He look up to see Bright, with his straight face holding a food tray with a sandwich and juice.

Win was shocked to see him in his room. Because Bright was supposed to be asleep at this hour.

"Mom's giving you this. Eat" Bright walks toward his study table to place the food tray.

While Win is still in shock.

"T-thank y-" Win said but he was stop.

"Seriouly? Basic problem solving?"
He look up to see Bright looking at the math book on his table.

It's obvious that he is still in the first question because his sheets is full of scribbles and random writings.

His face cannot hide the embarassment me felt right know, his tomato face is showing again


He just want to scream at him.

"So this is the reason of your irritating loud screams I heard in my room..tsk"
He said and chuckles

"You're such a bastard! I clearly need help and you still have a guts to laugh at m-" He wasnt able to continue his speech when Bright suddenly grabbed a chair and sit next to him.

He was even shock to see Bright grab his pen and reads the problem on his Math book.

"W-what a-re you doing?" He asked with his shaky voice. He watched as Bright silently solving the problem with ease.

"Is he h-helping me?"

Bright glanced at him and lean back on the chair after finish the first question.

"This is how easy you can get the answer if you will closely read the problem... you clearly missed a lot" Bright explain while his arms are crossed.

Win cannot utter a word while he looked at the paper.

"Shiaaa! How can I not notice that!"

"T-that is why I need a tutor! To help me see those!okay?!" He defend with so much pride.

"Stupid" Bright said then lean on the table to read the next question.

"Now, look at the 2nd question and read it carefully" He pointed at the 2nd second question on the book.

"W-wait...did you finally a-agreed to be my tutor?" Win interrupted and asked the question he's been wanting to ask. He smiles so big that his bunny teeth and dimples appeared.

Bright deeply sigh and pushed his forehead with his pointy fingers.

"Stupid, isnt obvious. Now read the question before I loose my patience." Bright withdraw his eyes and went back to the book.

On the other hand, Win cannot hold his excitement so he hugged him so tightly.

"OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCHH!!" He screams with joy.

Bright slightly jolts from the sudden hug, he wiggled from his arms and pushed his forehead away from his shoulder.

"Stop it. Are you gonna be serious or I'll leave" He threatend him.

"Oops! Sorry" Win slowly move away from Bright and fixed himself.

He took a deep breath and streched his arms and neck. He look determinated to study now.

"Okay! Lets do this!" He shouted. He held his pen and put his focus mode face while he reads the question. Not minding the remarks Bright gave to him.

"Stupid" Bright said and smirk while watching Win seriously ready every words in the question.


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