14. Curiosity kills

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Little did the the two knows that they are being followed, and it was Luke.

He was really curious why Win said 'Thank you' to Bright earlier and they look close with each other so he decided to follow Win secretly.

But he was shocked when he saw Bright going the same way as Win and was walking just behind him. He immediately turn around and hide in the bush when Win turn around, but what maked his blood boils is when he saw how Bright holds him in the waist and their faces are only centimeters away from each other.

"What the hell?"
He said as he punches the wall next to him.

He then proceed to follow them when they started walking again and he noticed how they keep hitting and teasing each other.

"My Win was never like that to me! There is no way they are close like that"

Luke said in his mind.

"Yo Bro!" He was startled when he heard a voice from his back.

"SHAIH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Luke asked in a whisper. He hurriedly hide themselves when Bright and Win suddenly stop and look at their back.

"I almost got caught because of you! Aishh!" Luke said and hit his forehead.

"But what are you doing here?? Are you following Wi- wait is that Bright?? Bright with Win?!" Tor was shocked to see both person together.

"I KNOW! This is bugging me since yesterday thats why I decided to follow them. Look! My baby is with another man, worst is that he's with that fucking Bright!" Luke cannot contain his anger when he saw how both of them enter the same house as well.

"WAIT- WHAT?!" He shouted when he realized that the two enter the same house. Even Tor was speechless.

"T-they live in t-the s-same house?" Luke asked Tor. He just can't believe what he is discovering right now.

Everything suddenly sinks in to him.

Tor comforted him while he was slumped on the sidewalk whining and crying his heart out.

"MY BABY WIN!!" He cries.

*The next day*

"Win! Congratulation! How did you manage to get that rank? You must be studying really hard these pas few months right" Asked by his classmates who was surrounding them while He is walking towards his locker.

"A-umhh I studied really hard." He answered them.

He open his locker door but was surprised when a picture fell from the inside.

"WHOA!" Everyone's reaction when they saw the picture.

It was a picture of Bright and Win. In the picture, the two was sleeping face down on the study table, and the background similar to Win's bedroom.

Win eyes widened and immedietely snatch the photo from the student.

"SHIAHH!" He exclaimed.

How did this photo get in there. And how did we got this photo?!

He put the photo inside the bag and immediately closes his locker and fled away.

"Win wait!! Why are you with Bright in that photo!"

"Are you two together??"

Win heard questions from the student but he ignored them and folowed Love who was holding his hands.

"Aishh, why are you not carefull! And how did you guys become close like that!" Love said as they are fleeing the scene. They finally found a spot with no people and went inside the utility room.

"LOVEE! I'M SO DEAD! BRIGHT WILL KILL ME" Win cried as soon as they enter the room.

"What the fuck is happening really??" Love look so confuse right now.

"I-I don't know! I don't know where this picture came from" He whined as he stares at the photo

We look cute tho!

He thinks and secretly smile.

"Well, would you mind tell me why are you two in that photo?"
Love crossed his arms and look down at Win who was pouting since they came in.

"Don't give me that bunny look!! Aishh! Give me an explaination."

Love sound frustrated and annoyed from what is happening.

Win decided to tell her the whole story and how they knew each other...

"YOU LUCKY PIECE OF SHIT! So you both live in the same house and you get to see his handsome face every single day?!" Love shooked his body while he asked the questions. She just cannot believe everything.

Win slowly nod at her. Face looking like a tomato due to embarassement.

"OHOO! Let see how many girls will come after you. He have so many fans who dreamed to be with him and here you are! You even got him as your tutor!" Love pinched his side and Win whined from that.

"S-stop...I also did not expected that this will happen okay! It was totally unexpected!"

He can't help but to smile widely because everything was really a dream come true yet it happened in a very unexpected way.

"Stop smi-" Love was cut off when a loud opening of the door echoed in the room.

Both was shocked when an angry looking Bright entered the room.

"B-bright?" Win stutter when Bright walk towards him.

Bright holds his arms and drag him out of the room leaving Love who was shouting at them.


She wasnt able to come after them because Bright was so fast and she canmot keep up with them.

"L-let go of me!!" Win screamed when he was getting drag by Bright.

They stopped infront of the broadcasting room.

"W-what are we doing here" Win looked around but he sees none.

He is scared to look at Bright because he looks like he can kill someone right know, from the look of his face.

"I already did what you asked me to do, but why are so desperate to get me?!" Win was trembling from the loudness of his voice.

"W-what d-do you m-mean?" He answered almost a whisper.

"Don't act like youre clueless. Go inside and look for yourself" Bright opens the Broadcasting door and pushed Win inside.

Win was shocked after seeing the screen monitor.

It was the photo of them broadcasting live in the whole university.

"N-no! This has to stop!" He went close to the monitor and starts pressing the keyboard to stop and remove the photos. He was shaking while he kept pressing and clicking stuff.

"STOP IT!" Bright harshly hold his arms and stopped him

"They already saw it. Congratualuation, your plan is successfull and you manage to announce the whole campus that we know each other" Bright said in his very serious tone.


"Now that they knew about us. I want you to stop talking to me even inside the house. Stay away from me and fucking stop liking me because you frustrates me so much!" Bright said clearly stating each harsh words to Win. He gave Win a last death glare before he went out of the room with a loud bang on the door.

Win heart crashes after hearing the harsh words from him. Tears suddenly fell down from his eyes.

"B-but it wasn't m-me" Win said in a whisper.

After the scene, he never went back to his class and went up to the rooftop, a place where no one will disturb him. He spend his time there crying his heart out.

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