19. School Break

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Brigt woke up early because he plans to go out and play basketball, so he went down and decides to prepare a light breakfast for the two of them. While Win is still not coming out of his room, probably still sleeping.

Bright is half way finish with his food when Win come down the stairs.

He looks like a freaking ghost that made Bright almost choked on his coffee when he saw him.

"Good morning" Win greeted in a slow and unenergetic tone.

Dark circles are visible under his eyes, messy bird nest hair and his disheveled oversized pajamas. He looks like a total disaster right now.

Looks like he did not sleep. Bright thought but he just continued his meal and ignored the bunny infront of him.

"Bright, how can you be so cruel! The assignments are too hard and I asked you to help me!" Win protested while face slumped in the table. Ignoring his breakfast.

Bright took a deep breatg before he puts down his coffee.

"It's not even hard. If only you start doing your assignments earlier, then it may have been easier for you to understand and finish it" Bright said as he stood up from his seat.

"Hey where are you going!" Win grabbed his arms to stop hin.

"I'm off to enjoy my school break. Goodluck to you" Then he gave Win a smirk before he heads out.

Night time..

"Arghh! This is useless!" Win gave up and lie down on his bed after many hours of doing his assignments.

He's still on the 3rd Math problem and its making him so frustrated.

"I have to think of a new plan..." He closed his eyes then immediately an idea came into his mind. A STUPID idea to be exact.

"AHA! He's probably sleeping now" with his cheeky smile, he went out of his room and silently enter Bright's room.

He was welcomed with dark and so he went out again to grab his mini flashlight.

"Gosh, why it's so dark here" he whispered.

With his flashlight, he saw stacks of books everywhere and a sleeping Bright without a shirt on.

"o shia please help me god" he whispered again and took a deep breath before he continue his agenda.

He went straight to his study table and looked for his assignment notebook.

"Where is it" He didn't notice the noise he's been making because he is so focused on finding the book.

He even saw a younger photo of Bright pinned on the board.

"Hihi cute" He giggled while staring at it.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" A deep voice appeared from his back.

"SHIA!" He was shocked and immediately covered his mouth.

He felt Bright coming closer to his neck.

"Why are sneaking in my room?" Bright whispered in his deep voice.

"A-ahh" He don't know what to say.

"Are you trying to do something to me?" Bright said to his ears.

Win felt the goosebumps crawling throughout his body.

"N-no!" Win was about to stand up but Bright lie him down the bed and hover at him. Caging Win with his arms.

"W-what are you doing?! G-get off me!" Bright face is so close to Win but Win kept avoiding his face.

"Isn't this what you want?" Bright said, obviously teasing Win.

"You could have just ask me, not you sneaking in my room at this hour" Bright whispered and move his face closer to Win.

Win is fighting back and keep wiggling out of his hold, avoiding his face from getting closer.

"N-no! Stop! N-not because I like you I will let you do this to me!" Win shouted at him while his eye is closely shut.

Then after a few second he felt the weight on him lessen.

"What? You still like me?" Bright said as he removed himself from him and sit.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAA" Then he released a sarcastic laugh.

Win opened his eyes and immediately stand up.

"W-what so funny!" Win is close to punching Bright's face right now.

"After all the rejections you still like me" Bright said in a low volume.

"Y-you!" Win shouted

Bright looked at his table and saw his assignment book opened.

He took it and look at Win.

"Is this what you need?" Bright stand up and ask.


"Really? But why is it open? I don't remember opening this notebook today" Bright bring his face closer to him again.

"I don't know! I don't need it so stop accusing me" Win defend himself. Bright only smirk and leaned on the wall.

"Hmmm, then why are you here in my room then"

"B-because I was looking for my pencil that you borrowed! I'll go now. Bye!" Win turn around and was about to leave the room.

"But you forgot this notebook" Bright said and waved the Assignment notebook.

Win faced him again now looking very angry at Bright.

"Why are you so mean to me! I said I don't need it and I can do my assignment on my own!" Win shouted voice almost crack because of the tears that fell from his eyes and dashed out of the room, harshly closing his door loudly.

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