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As soon as they get in the theater Robin beelines to the concessions.

"I'll go with Steve for the tickets," Nancy says, taking Steve's hand. Eddie raises his eyebrows, but doesn't say anything.

"Eddie can help me," Robin says. "Hand?" Eddie smiles at the gesture, and accepts.

"Lead the way," he says. They walk up to the counter, first in line.

"One box of Junior Mints, one Sour Patch Watermelons, one Mike and Ikes and a medium Icee," Robin orders. She turns to Eddie. "You still like Icees, right?"

"Yup. And a box of Skittles, please," Eddie says.

"Oh and a large popcorn," Robin adds. The cashier retrieves everything.

"All this for a date?" They say. Robin and Eddie look at each other and laugh.

"First of all, not a date," Eddie says.

"And second, this is for four people," Robin says. "Not that it's any of your business."

"What's the damage?" Steve asks, him and Nancy walking up behind them to pay.

"Only the essentials, Dad," Robin says. Nancy stifles a laugh. Steve rolls his eyes and pays for the snacks. He hands the Sour Patch to Robin, the Junior Mints to Nancy and keeps the Mike and Ikes for himself.

"Mike and Ikes, huh?" Eddie says as they walk to the Icee machine. "A little fruity for a guy like you, don't you think? Or did I misjudge?" Nancy elbows him, and Robin starts laughing hysterically.

"I literally don't know what you're talking about," Steve says, eyeing Robin in confusion.

"What else is new," Eddie says. He turns to fill the cup to the top with blue slush. Yum.

They walk into the theater a little late, and take seats in the middle of the room. Nancy goes in first, then Robin, then Eddie then Steve. Steve definitely tried to take the seat next to Robin, but Eddie got to it first. You know, for fun. See what happens when Harrington doesn't get his way.

Well, nothing really happens, apparently. Steve looks completely unbothered. As hard as Eddie tries, he cannot pin this guy down. Being unpredictable is kinda his thing, right? Steve is supposed to be straightforward. Rich asshole with a cheer captain rivalry.

Instead it's like Steve is messing with Eddie. Maybe I've changed, maybe I haven't. Eddie never really knew Steve anyway. And Steve doesn't know him. Their interactions feel like a silent competition to throw each other off their apparent confidence.

"Two can play at that game," Eddie thought. But for how much longer? Because since last night, he hasn't really been sure what he wants anymore.

"Popcorn please," Eddie whispers to Nancy, who's currently holding the bag. Robin intercepts for another handful, and by the time it reaches Eddie, it's half full. And they're only a third through the movie.

Steve takes a handful after him, and their hands momentarily touch. Steve doesn't seem to notice, but Eddie sure does.

"Jesus, you're not on a first date," he thinks. He can't help but steal a glance at Steve, though. And damn it, he's almost more beautiful in the movie screen light. He didn't have time to change out of the Scoops uniform—which is fine by Eddie—just the hat is gone. His hair lays in its perfect signature swoop. For some reason Eddie has the instinct to touch it.

He quickly turns back to the movie. "What is happening to me?" He's heard of the Harrington charm all throughout school—just because Steve doesn't go to Hawkins High doesn't mean the girls don't still talk (Eddie swears they must have a secret network or something). But he thought his willpower would last him longer than this.

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