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"So we got home and immediately Mom asks Mike about his ice cream covered face, to which he tells her not to worry about it," Nancy tells Eddie on the way to school on Wednesday.

"A mistake, I'm guessing," Eddie says.

"Yes! He's had such an attitude lately. It's so irritating, even when he's not talking to me. I think it started when the Byers moved."

Apparently Mike's best friend, Will Byers, moved to California at the end of seventh grade. So did El, Will's twin sister, and Jonathan, their older brother. Will and El were part of the whole kids friend group, and they were all very sad when they moved away, but especially Mike. He's obviously been dealing with it worse than the others.

Jonathan is Eddie's age, and Nancy says she and him were good friends before he moved. The Wheelers have known the Byers forever, but Nancy wasn't really friends with Jonathan until junior year. Nancy says she misses him, but that they still talk on the phone sometimes and send letters.

Nancy told Eddie all of this a couple weeks ago, after Eddie heard Mike arguing with his mom about using the phone to call Will all the way in California. Eddie really liked hearing her talk about it, especially about Jonathan, because Eddie felt like he'd shared more personal information with her than vice versa.

He hadn't wanted to pressure her about it (because he hates when people do that to him), but the conversation made him feel like she considered him a real friend. Which, more than ever, he found himself wanting to be.

"Have you talked to Jonathan recently?" Eddie asks.

Nancy smiles. "Yeah, actually, I just got a letter yesterday. He said he's thinking about visiting soon. And he sent some pictures, because he got a new camera."

"That's cool. I'd love to meet him."

"Ooh, sorry, I was gonna keep you a secret."

Eddie laughs. "I'd be offended, but that might not be a bad idea. I don't want him to think I've changed you."

"Please, changed me? I think I've changed you, Munson."

Eddie takes Nancy's hand, and looks her in the eyes romantically. She laughs but doesn't take her eyes of the road. "Nancy Wheeler, you're right. Thanks to you I'm a changed man. I still play guitar and I'm still gay and I still smoke—"

"Wait, what?" Nancy interrupts. Eddie ignores her.

"—But I'm no longer friendless or joyless. And for that I'm forever grateful."

"I know you're joking but so was I," Nancy says. "After Jonathan moved, I was lonely too. I'm happy you're my friend."

"My tone was joking but my words weren't," Eddie clarifies. "I'm happy you're my friend too, Nance."

There's a minute of silence, then, "Jonathan was better at helping me study than you, though," Nancy says.

"Hey!" Eddie protests, then reconsiders. "Actually that's not surprising from what you've told me."

They pull into a school parking space. "I do think we should all get together if Jonathan visits," Nancy says.


"You, Me, Steve, Robin. And I think Jonathan might bring a friend, so him too."

"Were the other Byers not also coming?"

"No, but now that you mention it, that'll be Mike's last straw if Jonathan's shows up by himself. Maybe I should say something about that."

"Or... You could not."

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