Chapter 7: Narnia

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(*) = action in speech.
(~) = Whispering.


Peter: Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket!

Peter, Susan, and Edmund were playing some sport ( Cricket I think ). Edmund wasn't paying attention and ended up getting hit in the thigh.

Peter: Whoops! *Chuckles* Wake up Dolly Daydream.

Edmund: Why can't we play hide and seek again?

I get up from the grass spot I was laying on and turn toward Edmund dusting myself off along the way.

Peter: I thought you said it was a kid's game.

Y/N: Lighten up Edmund it's nice out today let's enjoy it while it lasts.

I walked over to join them.

Susan: Y/N's right. Besides, we could all use the fresh air.

Edmund: It's not like there isn't air inside.

Susan looked slightly downtrodden so i decided to add my peice to the pile.

Y/N: It's not fresh though is it.

Edmund rolled his eyes.

Peter: Are you ready?

I stepped a couple paces away.

Edmund: Are you?

Why do I feel like something is about to break?
Peter runs up and pitches the ball. Edmund hits it.... Towards the house. And right through a window. Lucy had that 'ooh you're in trouble face'. I was kinda impressed that he had hit it that far. We ran up to check the damage.

After finally making it to the room ( how did he even manage to hit it up three floors? ) we all stepped inside. We were greeted by a room that looked like a tornado had a friendly visit. Apparently when the ball smashed the window it hit a suit of armor that then tumbled down knocking over several chairs on it's down. Susan looked extremely annoyed. Lucy still had the 'you're in trouble' face.
I was throughly shocked that one ball did this much.

Peter: Well done, Ed.

Edmund: You bowled it!

Mrs. Macready: What on earth is goin' on?

Y/N/Susan: The/Mrs. Macready!

Peter: Come on!

Don't have to tell me twice. We ran out of that room faster than a mouse with a cat on it's tail. As we were running I began to notice the hall we were running down. We took a turn. I could hear Mrs. Macready.

Y/N(~): Wrong way!

We turned around and tried a door. Locked
We tried the next door. Opened. Everyone shuffled inside. This was the wardrobe room. Me and Edmund ran over and opened the door.

Edmund: Come on!

Susan: Oh you've got to be joking!

Y/N: Well if you want to be caught.

I then climbed inside the cabinet as I heard the others following behind me. I made it to the otherside. Pine branches. I heard their brickering.

All: My toe! I'm not on you're toe! Move back. Will you stop shoving?

Then they all came into my view as the tumbled out of the wardrobe. Peter and Suan were the first up. They looked surprised and shocked.

Y/N: Welcome my friends to Narina.

To be continued

( Sorry about not updating i kinda forgot  about cyber monday and black friday so i took tuesday and saturday to relax afterwards.  There should be updates every 3-4 days from now on. Thank you. )

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