Chapter 10: After Celebrating

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Dear Diary. What happened next that night?

It's hard to remember what happened after we ate the pie, but I know I only had one drink, and it wasn't that strong.

Thinking about it, I was probably overwhelmed, so my brain blocked everything out. It happens to me because my head won't handle things sometimes.

I woke up with a headache, likely more from the excitement and noise than the alcohol, and sighed.

I found I was at the Castle and grabbed my backpack, only to see a note saying that Mamma, Dad, Bubba, and I would be moving there. I blinked and went back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and found the note still there. I went downstairs and looked for the kitchen.

The people working there - a mix of humans and demons - told me that my actual parents, Mamma and Dad, were in the dining room. I went to the dining room and saw my Mamma, Dad, the King, the Queen, Princess Dagny, Bubba, and Varian.

Mamma smiled at me. "Honey, I'm guessing you saw the note?" I nodded, looking confused. "This has been an arrangement since you were 5," Father said, "when Skye informed me you had gotten an autism diagnosis when you were 9, I decided that it would be easier if she, Jeff, and Thomas came to live with us. Rosalie was pregnant, so we all thought that if they came to live with us when you did, taking care of everyone would be easier! Tomorrow, we'll start making arrangements to move your furniture in! The bed in your room is temporary, so you don't need to worry."

I sat down and began eating my breakfast— grapefruit with sugar and Tamago Kake Gohan. My family wasn't Japanese, but the fact this was here meant that Mamma and the Kitchen staff knew what I found comforting to eat. I took a bite and smiled at the taste of egg and rice seasoned with soy sauce and Tamago seasoning.

"We'll let you rest today, Hun. I know yesterday was tiring."

I smiled, took my medication with orange juice, then went upstairs. 

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