Chapter Two: The Harvest

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Luke tries to bite Buffy, but burns himself on the cross hanging around her neck and jerks back. Buffy seizes the opportunity and push kicks him out of the coffin. She climbs out of it and races outside. She runs to catch up with Willow, Trinity, Xander, and Jesse. She hears a vampire growl, and a scream that follows it.

Willow is on the ground, a vampire leaning over her. "No! Get off!"

"Hey!" Buffy yells. The vampire looks up, and Buffy snap kicks him off of Willow. He gets up and runs away. Willow is shocked by what she sees. Buffy quickly starts the hunt again. Willow gets up and runs after her.

Xander is being dragged away by two vampires. Willow appears between two gravestones. "Xander!" She calls. The vampires are distracted. Buffy takes advantage of the opening and jumps in, high punches one and sidekicks the other. She notices a dry branch on a tree and breaks it off. As one of the vampires gets up she plunges the stick into him. Willow rushes over to Xander who's still on the ground. "Xander, are you okay?"

He puts a hand to his head. "Man, something hit me." He looks up. "Trinity!"

Trinity is on the ground, doing her best to block the kicks of the vampires. She lashes out with her claws and cuts a vampire's leg. He yells, distracting his friend. She reaches out again and claws the other vampire's leg, making him back away. They flee with noticeable limps. She stands from the ground and looks at her friends before her eyes fall to the ground. She runs away.

"Where's Jesse?" Buffy asks.

"I don't know! They surrounded us." Willow says.

"That girl grabbed him and took off." Xander adds.

"Which way?" Buffy questions.

He shakes his head. "I don't know."

She stands up straight and slowly scans the cemetery. "Jesse." She whispers. She looks back at them. "Where's Trinity?"

"I don't know." Willow says. "She tried to fight them but there were too many...her eyes...she had claws!"

"What is she?" Xander asks.

In the library, the globe up on the stack level is spinning. Giles stops it while he lectures and makes his way down to where Buffy, Willow and Xander are at the study table. "This world is older than any of you know. Contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise. For untold eons demons walked the Earth. They made it their home, their...their Hell. But in time they lost their purchase on this reality. The way was made for mortal animals, for, for man. All that remains of the old ones are vestiges, certain magic's, certain creatures."

"And vampires." Buffy adds.

"Okay, this is where I have a problem. See, because we're talking about vampires. We're having a talk with vampires in it." Xander says.

"Isn't that what we saw last night?" Willow asks.

Buffy shakes her head. "No. No, th-those weren't vampires, those were just guys in thundering need of a facial. Or maybe they had rabies. It could have been rabies. A-and that guy turning to dust? Just a trick of light." Xander gives her a look. "That's exactly what I said the first time I saw a vampire. Well, after I was done with the screaming part."

"Oh, I-I need to sit down." Willow says.

Buffy looks at her. "You are sitting down."

"Oh. Good for me."

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