Damn She's Cute

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I walk into art. I am the first one to get to class. I pop my bag onto the chair and go to the shelves to start getting out my art stuff. People start filing into my classroom and when I walk back to my seat I see Holly, she is in the seat next to me. I become speechless and all I manage to do is stare down at her. She looks up and sees me and then looks at my bag on the chair. She almost has an apologetic look on her face, but why?

I don't want her to move and fortunately for me she doesn't. A couple of days ago I saw a comment on a girl's ask.fm. This girl whose account it was is one of the popular girls that likes me. I used to have feelings for her but she just became annoying overtime because her friends were always confronting me about it and they make it such big news. Anyway, the comment on her ask.fm was from an anonymous account and it said: 'Holly Lindsay likes Max too. hahaha that's awkward.'

When I saw it I got all excited before remembering it was just an anonymous comment and I would never actually know for sure unless Holly told me herself.

The whole art lesson was spent painting and stealing glances at her every now and again. We didn't talk, she had earphones in and I was just listening to her music because it was loud enough for me too hear as well.

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