I guess she'll never know

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I am on holidays. Thank god for that. If another day went by at school would be terrible. I am sick of humiliating myself in front of my crush. She may know that I like her. But I bet she doesn't know how much.

I am laying down in the bed next to my brother's; we are sharing a bedroom while we are on holidays. He is older then me by two years and we look nothing alike.

"Whose that girl you always talk about?" He asks me out of nowhere. "What's her name?"

"Holly." I reply quite firmly. I made a note of how I said her name so that my brother wouldn't tease me and call me soft. You know, you have to look after your boy reputation and all that.

"Yeah. I haven't seen her before at school," He says with a confused face. "Who are her friends? I might know them."

I name all of her friends that she sits with.

"Nope. I have got nothin'. I don't know who any of them are." He says. I roll my eyes. He probably wouldn't know the names but he would've seen their faces around school.

"You would've probably seen them around school." I say bluntly.

"True. You sit with all those popular and hot chicks though. Why wouldn't you go after one of them?" I feel like slapping him.

"Sure those girls are pretty. On the outside. Not the inside." I start to say. "Holly is beautiful though, smart, kind. She's the girl I need." It kind of just came out. There goes my boy reputation.

"You really like this girl, huh?"

"More like love her. I think I love her."

"I am going to bed Max. I hope this girl likes you too."

"She wouldn't go for a boy like me." I frown up at the ceiling.

"She could be thinking the same thing about you." When he says this it makes me stop and think about it for a moment. Surely it cant be. I guess we will never know.

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