I'm Falling For Her Alright

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It's lunchtime and I watch Holly in her group before my mate comes over and snaps me out of my gaze.

"You need to chill." He says to me.

"I can't."

"You are falling so hard mate." He smirks as the bell rings for last period. I have maths now.

The teacher comes and lets us into the classroom. As I am walking in, Holly and Lorri have linked arms and they accidentally bump into me.

"Sorry." Holly says quickly as she falls onto me.

"You know what, I am going to accept your apology." I say as I take in the big blue eyes and long brown locks. She smiles instantly and it makes my heart flutter. Out the corner of my eye, I see Lorri smirk at me and Holly's interaction. What does she mean by that? I walk to my seat and forget about thinking of what she meant by the smirk.


Holly is walking up the back to get her text book when she trips on her bag strap and falls into me. Why do we fall into each other so much lately? It is so annoying because I have to fight the urge to kiss her every single time.

"Oops, sorry." She says as she blushes and meets my eyes. Before I get a chance to respond she walks back to her desk and sits down. The teacher is making us move all the desks for some function tonight.

After the chaos of moving the desks, I am funnily enough standing in a group with one of my mates, Lorri and Holly. I am asking Lorri and my mate if they are related because they fight like they could be, I mean Lorri legit just threw him to the ground (AUTHORS NOTE: I AM SO MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU M.H.). Turns out they aren't related. During this conversation, I am too shy to look at Holly's face and talk to her because I don't know how she would react.


Its finally Friday! I am sitting in English. We are doing group work and I am in a group with a couple of my mates. We have to write a persuasive text on global waste. Holly is sitting in her group at the front and she's facing me. I get to see her face and everything for the whole lesson.

Once everyone is finished, the teacher asks one person from each group to read out their groups persuasive text. Holly reads out her groups and I watch her the whole time. Lorri looks up at me and sees me watching Holly and smirks. Does she know I like Holly? When Holly finishes reading she looks up and meets my eye before quickly turning away from my gaze.

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