I could be a gentleman

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I am sitting in History listening to out boring ass teacher talk when Holly lets out the cutest sneeze ever. She sounds like the cutest little thing when she sneezes.

"Bless you." I say to her.

"Thanks." She replies and smiles. I am falling for her more and more everyday. I wish she felt the same way.

The bell finally rings to signal lunchtime. I pack up my things and get up to walk out the door. As I reach the door someone else does too and we get squished together in the door frame, I look down to see Holly. I can feel her against my chest which is nice but I snap out of my daydream.

"Ladies First." I smile and gesture to the door.

"Thank you." She blushes and looks down at the ground.

"You see, I am a bit of a gentleman." I say to her. I don't really know why I said it but I just wanted her to know that if we ever are together, I will treat her with respect.

The conversation is over as she runs off to her friends. I sigh and pull my bag onto my back to head over to my friends.

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