Chapter 1: New Challenge

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Location: Jiwang Arts Academy

Jimins' pov

As I was dozing off at Math class I heard my name being called out by the announcement.

"The following students please come to my office Hwang Jimin, Park Jihyo, Choi Yuju, Han Yujin and Yang Minhoon please come to my office." Mr. Rin called out.

I looked at my professor if I was allowed to leave and she nodded her head. As I was packing my things to go to Mr.Rin's office I felt someone pulling my back jumper and as I turned around to see who it was and it was Minho. "Can I help you?" I asked him, "I just want to say goodluck" He softly replied. I gave him a soft smile as for a "thankyou" as soon I was finished packing my stuff I bid the teacher goodbye and walked to Mr.Rin's office. As I kept walking to Mr.Rin's office I questioned myself why I was called to Mr.Rin's office for but my thoughts were disturb when I heard someone running up to me and covered my eyes. "Unni guess who" , I softly smiled and said "Hi Yuju" , "Omo, how did you know?!" Yuju asked me "I guess I'm just good at guessing" and Yuju laughed. As soon me and Yuju arrived at Mr.Rin's office Yuju knocked at his door and told us to come in.

Yujus' pov

When I knocked on the door and Mr.Rin told us to come in.

I twisted the doorknob to open the door. I saw Jihyo unni, Sam and Hoon-ie.

"Sorry for being late sir" Jimin unni said, "Ahhh, its ok" Mr.Rin told her "Well you both may sit down"
When he told me and Jimin unni to sit down I sat next to Minhoon and Jimin unni sat next to me.

Mr.Rins' pov

When I told the girls to sit down I was excited to tell them the news I'm about to tell them.

"The reason I called you five to my office is because I wanted you guys to be more challenged" I told them and they were confused. "What do you mean by 'I wanted you guys to be more challenged' sir?" Jihyo asked. "I'm sending you guys to an private academy." "WHAT?!" The five girls yelled at the top of their lungs in unison. "B-but sir we like this school we don't want to go to a private academy" Minhoon stuttered. "Its for your good plus it won't be that bad" I reassure them, I was about to say something when I was cutt off. "I actually think its not a bad idea guys" Yujin said quietly. "You really think so Sam unni?" Minhoon questioned. "Yes I do think so because its a one time opportunity so we should do it before it will be gone" Yujin continues. "See!, that's the spirit!" I said proudly. As I heard Jimim sigh she said "Fine but under one condition", "What is it?"
I asked her. "We can back when we don't like the school" Jimin said coldly "Fine, you have yourself a deal" I replied as I took my hand out and then Jimin shook my hand

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