Chapter 4: Tour pt.1

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Authors' pov

As the girls were waiting on for Mr.Lee, Jihyo was observing the area and she saw a girl around Yuju's height down the hill.

Jihyo looked at her then started walking down the hill, as she was walking down Jimin stopped her and asked curiosity "Yah, Jihyo-ah where you going?" Jihyo stopped walking and turned to Jimin and made an excuse "I'm just taking a small walk unni ...

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Jihyo looked at her then started walking down the hill, as she was walking down Jimin stopped her and asked curiosity "Yah, Jihyo-ah where you going?" Jihyo stopped walking and turned to Jimin and made an excuse "I'm just taking a small walk unni my legs were getting tired from standing" then Jihyo continued "If Mr.Lee comes just find me you know where I'll be heading anyways" the Jimin stared at her for a second then said "Ok, and I'm not gonna find you you have to come back in ten minutes" , "Okay! Noted!" Jihyo yelled as she
started walking to the girl

Minjis' pov

As I was starting at the view I smelt a human scent coming up to me. I turned around and I saw a girl around my age wearing a cap.

Jihyos' pov

As I walked up to the girl the girl turned around which I flinched and holy shit she was pretty. She looked up and down and gave me a judging look and when she was finished she asked "What do you want?"  Wow not a "hello, can I help you?"
"Okay chill I was having a little walk and I saw you" I explained, As I explained to her she just rolled her eyes at me.

We were just standing here in pure silence and I decided broke the silence by her asking her "What's your name?" She looked at me with a weird expression on her face then she replied with "Why the fuck you want to know my name for?" Then she continued "Are you trying to stalk me or something" I scoffed and explained again "I'm a new student here with four other people and I'm trying to make friends right now" she smirked and said "Minji. Kim Minji is my name" I smiled and I was about to tell her my name but she already knew my name, "And you must be Jihyo, Park Jihyo" when Minji said my name I got chills going my spine.

As we were talking to eachother I noticed there was something on Minji's lip.

Minjis' pov

Me and Jihyo-ah got to know eachother and I noticed that she was looking at the corner of my lip.

She went up closer to me and I was about to step back until she licked her thumb and wiped something at the corner of my lip. My eyes widened and I looked at her, she looked back and we were staring at eachother others eyes I started blushing. I snapped out of it and scolded her as I was in a blushing mess "Yah!, you could've have told me there was something on my lip!" As I kept yelling at her she looked at me and started laughing which made me stop yelling at her and some weird reason my heart started beating.

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