Chapter 3: Welcome

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Jimins' pov

*Beep* *Beep*

"Ughhhh, why do we need to go so early in the fucking morning" I groaned as I got out of my bed, I took my phone and turned off my alarm then I threw my phone on my bed. As I stood up I stumbled to the bathroom to take a shower and do my morning routine.

Authors' pov

After Jimin finished her business in the bathroom. Now she's fully awake to make breakfast but first she needed to change into her new uniform. "I guess I have to get use to this uniform" Jimin signed.

After looking at herself for a minute at the mirror she grabbed her suitcase,put her bag on her back, grabbed her airpods and then grabbed her phone, When she grabbed all the things she needs she walked out of her room locked it then walked to kitchen to get a cereal bars because she had no time to make breakfast. She put the cereal bars in her bag then she walked out of the door then locked it.

Jimins' pov

I checked the time and it was 6:32am. "Shit!" I muttered then I started running as I put one of my airpods on. As I kept running I played Heart Attack by Chuu LOONA.

Jihyos' pov

"What's taking Jimin unni so long?" Minhoon asked me, "Just give her time, baby hoon." I told her as we were waiting for Jimin at the front of the school, we were just chilling until Yuju kept messing with Samantha which was a bad idea..

Yujin/Sams' pov

"Yuju!, can you not its too early for this!" I demanded as she kept annoying me and kicking my knees. "What about no!" Yuju laughed, "Come on Yuju unni mature a bit" Minhoon said to put some sense into her head.

I was trying my best not to slap her but then she kicked me so hard on the knee and I had no choice "CHOI YUJU I SAID CAN YOU NOT" I scolded her as I slapped her across the face which made her fall to the ground and I heard Yuju groaning. "Samantha!, You can't just hit people!" Jihyo unni yelled at me.

She was about to say something to me but luckily Jimin Unni came. "Were not done with this conversation" Jihyo continued. "Here unni let me help you" Minhoon said as she helped Yuju up and cleaned her uniform.

Jimins' pov

YES I MADE IT ON TIME! but when I was across the street I saw Samantha pissed off and Yuju on the floor which confused me. As soon as I crossed the street Minhoon hugged me "Hi Unni!, Good Morning" Minhoon gushed happily as I hugged her back I looked at Jihyo and looked at Yuju and Sam and asked Jihyo quietly "What happened and how much did I miss?" Jihyo was about to tell me until Yuju cut across her "This bitch slapped me across the face!" Yuju explained as she was rubbing her cheek and pointing at Samantha, "But to be fair though Yuju Unni you messed with Sammy Unni" Minhoon telling the facts.

I was about to say something but a car beeped at us. "Oh, that must be our ride" Sam mumbled, we all turned around and saw a black limo "Dang, I guess were getting special treatment" Jihyo chimed. The black limo parked in front of us and a man came out of the car.

 The black limo parked in front of us and a man came out of the car

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