Chapter 6: Mine

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(All in Haerin and Sam's pov)

Author's pov

As Haerin and Samantha were staring into eachothers eyes, Suddenly Haerin eyes turned red because she was hungry.

Samantha eyes widened as she took a step back she stuttered "H-Haerin-ssi y-your eyes" then she continued "t-their red" and all Samantha heard was Haerin chuckling as she walked up to Samantha licking her lips.

As Samantha kept taking a step back she met the wall and she muttered "Fuck.." she looked at Haerin and looked at the door then she muttered "Sam you have to make a run for it" she looked back at Haerin and dashed up to the door which was 40 feet away from her.

Yujin/Samantha's pov

As I dashed up to the door I turned my head and I saw Haerin running up to me saying in a pouty tone "Samantha~ Let me just take a little sip" I turned my head again and ran a bit faster. I was about to make it until the door closed infront of me and the door knob turned which means its locked. I turned my whole body and saw Haerin walking up to me closer and closer.

I sighed and looked down at the floor which means I have given up because I have no choice because all the doors are locked. As I looked down at the floor I heard Haerin chuckling and teased "Awww~ it looks like someone has no where else to run off to~" I looked at Haerin and looked into her eyes and told her "S-Shut up.." when I told her to shut up she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I tired pushing her off until she went of her tippy toes and.....

Haerin's pov

As I used my other ability to close the door and locked it, it looked like that Sam had given up and gave in.

So I decided to tease her before I take a bite. "Awww~ it looks like someone has no where else to run off to~" she looked up at me and her ears and cheeks turned red, she mumbled "S-Shut up.." I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her neck. It was cute how she tried pushing me off but obviously I'm stronger than her and as she tried pushing me off I went of my tippy toes, tilted my head to the left and bit her neck.

She stopped what she was doing and as I kept biting her she whimpered then she said "H-Haerin-ssi.. g-get off before I f-faint" so I released my mouth and I looked at the bite marked and I did the unthinkable and kissed it. Before you know it my eyes turned to its original colour and I looked into Sam's eyes when I looked into Sam's eyes my eyes widened I realised "Shit.. I marked you" she looked confused and said "What?, What does mark mean?" I sighed and explained what "marked" mean "Mark means when a vampire bites their mate which in my case is you the vampire take ownership of their mate. Which makes you mine" she frowned her eyebrows and said "So you own me? What I'm I your dog?" I laughed softly and continued "So when you get in trouble or something I can sense it but my scent is on you anyways so you would be fine" she rolled her eyes and sassed "I won't be in trouble the only person that gets in trouble is Yuju." Then she continued "You should've marked her instead"

I got furious and yelled "NO! I want you not her!" Her eyes widened so did mine then she said shyly "D-did you just confess." , "Yeah, yeah I did.." Even though I just met Sam today, there something about her that makes me want to be with her more.

She walked up to me and hugged me. My eyes widened and just stood their like a stone statue, suddenly I started having a headache but I ignored it. Then Sam said something that made my heart go crazy "I-I like you too.." then she continued "I'm sorry what I did a few hours ago.. I did it because my friend instinct just came out.." then she let go of the hug and held both of my hands "Umm..." I smiled and said "Kang. Kang is my surname" she smiled and continued "Kang Haerin I know we just met and I fell love at first sight but please will you be my girlfriend..." My eyes widened and she saw then she continued as she looked down at the floor "Its okay to say no.." I lifted her head make her look at me, cupped her face and said "Yes, I will be your girlfriend but under two condition.." she smiled and said cutely "Anything!" So I continued "We have to make our relationship private and let me take a sip of your blood when I need it" she laughed and said "Deal!"

Yujin/Samantha's pov

I'm so happy that Haerin-ssi accepted my confession.

When though we just met were already in a relationship you know what people say about loving at first sight. As me and Haerin were walking up to the door she used her ability to open the door and my eyes widened and looked at her "Sometimes I forget that your a vampire" she laughed and told me as we walked out "Well you have to get use it" I smiled and I noticed she kept looking at my so I took her hand and interlocked our fingers together.

Her widened and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I smiled at her softly and suddenly she started running while holding my hand then I yelled "Yah!, why are we or more like you running!" Then she replied "Because I want to go to the dorm" I rolled my eyes and just let her be.

Author's pov

As the girls were running, they were laughing and fooling around they finally made it to Haerin's dorm but now its Samantha's and Haerin's dorm because they are roommates now.

"Sam this is our dorm now" Haerin said as she opened the door she looked at Samantha face saw her reaction she smiled softly and pulled her in.

And the rest of the day they were hanging out, getting to know eachother more, maybe a little makeout moment and Samantha helping Haerin with Human History.

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